We have set a net revenue budget of £147.5m for 2025/26, to be spent in line with the council’s priorities contained within the Torbay Corporate Plan. The table below provides a breakdown between Directorates and also a summary of the Council’s Sources of Funding.

Key financial documents relating to the 2025/26 revenue and capital budgets are available on our finance pages, with a more detailed Budget Digest document to follow.

Budget 2025/26 - Torbay Council

Our net revenue budget has increased from £139.4m (2024/25) to £147.5m (2025/26) which is a 5.8% increase between the two years. More details can be found within budget documents available through the above link. The increase recognises ongoing cost pressures related to service delivery, particularly around pay and inflation.

We have set a basic amount of Council Tax for 2025/26 based on its gross expenditure and income. For us this results in a total Council tax increase of 4.75% increase, below the Government cap of 4.99%.

Proposed Net budget for 2025/26
2024/25 Net £m Re-presented 2024/25 Net £m Directorate/Service Initial 2025/26 Net £m Revised 2025/26 Net £m
55.9 55.9

Adult Services (inc Community & Customer Services)

58.3 60.4

- (Adults share of Social Care Grant)

-9.3 -11.1
54.6 54.6

Children's Services

56.3 57.1

- (Childerns share of Social Care Grant)

-9.3 -11.1
10.7 10.7

Public Health

11.0 11.6

- (Public Health Grant)

-11.0 -11.6
13.8 14.0

Corporate Services and Cheif Executive

14.8 15.4
-16.6 7.1

Finance (Includes NIC Grant)

7.4 6.7
0 5.6

Treasury Management

5.6 5.6
-4.1 -4.1

Investment Properties

-4.1 -4.1
24.9 24.9

Place Services (includes 50% of EPR Grant)

27.7 28.6
139.2 139.4


147.3 147.5

Sources of Funding

88.4 88.4

Council Tax

95.2 96.2
0 0.2

Services Grant

0.0 0.0
8.2 8.2

Revenue Support Grant

8.4 8.5
42.4 42.4

Business Rates (National Non-Domestic Rates)

43.1 42.8
0.2 0.2

New Homes Bonus

0.2 0.0
139.2 139.4


146.9 147.5

Note: The table above excludes one-off funding such as the Recovery Grant (2.085m) and 50% of the Extended Producer Responsibility Grant (31.15M)

The Referendum Principles for 2024/25 allows local authorities (with adult social care responsibilities) to raise the council tax precept, for Torbay Council this is 2%, this precept is to be spent on Adult Social Care. We have included the 2% amount in the 4.75% Council Tax increase for 2024/25.

2025/2026 Council tax

The amounts to be raised by Council Tax for Torbay Council, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority and Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall are applicable to all Torbay residents. The Parish Precept is only applicable to residents in the Brixham.

Amount to be raised by Council Tax 2025/26
Details Excluding Parish Precept £000 Parish Precept £000 Including Parish Precept £000
Torbay Council 95,896 0 95,896
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall 14,195 0 14,195
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority 4,722 0 4,722
Brixham Town Council 0 532 532
Total Amount to be raised 115,247 532 115,779
Changes in amount per Band D property compared year on year
Organisation/Details 2024/25 2025/26 2025/26 % Change
Torbay Council £1,858.67 £1946.96 4.75%
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall £274.5 £288.20 4.99%
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority £99.68 £104.68 5.02%
Sub-total £2,232.85 £2,339.84 4.79%
Brixham Town Council (only payable by Brixham residents) £75.73 £79.75 5.31%
Total £2,308.58 £2,308.58 4.80%

The amount per Band D Property is used to calculate the Council Tax requirements for all the Valuation Bands as follows:

Valuation bands
Details Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H
Ratio of each band to Band D 6/9 7/9 8/9 9/9 11/9 13/9 15/9 18/9
Torbay Council £1,297.97 £1,514.30 £1,730.63 £1,946.96 £2,379.62 £2,812.28 £3,244.92 £3,893.91
Police and Crime Commissioner for Devon & Cornwall £192.13 £224.16 £256.18 £288.20 £352.24 £416.29 £480.33 £576.40
Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Authority £69.79 £81.42 £93.05 £104.68 £127.94 £151.20 £174.47 £209.36
Aggregate of Council Tax requirements ex. Town Council £1,559.89 £1,819.88 £2,079.86 £2,339.84 £2,859.80 £3,379.77 £3,899.72 £4,679.67
Brixham Town Council (BTC) £53.17 £62.03 £70.89 £79.75 £97.47 £115.19 £132.92 £159.50
Aggregate of Council Tax requirements including BTC £1,613.06 £1,881.91 £2,150.75 £2,419.59 £2,957.27 £3,494.96 £4,032.64 £4,839.17

Capital Programme

Ou latest Capital investment plan highlights planned spend of £31m on capital projects during 2025/26 to maintain and improve our service delivery. The capital programme will be funded primarily from a combination of external borrowing, grants, and sales of assets.

Further details regarding the capital investment plan can be found on the Council’s budget webpage