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Council tax

Find out how to pay your council tax and how to apply for discounts, exemptions and reductions and view your valuation bands.

While you are waiting for a new bill we suggest you set aside money to make budgeting easier when your bill arrives.

The monthly payment for properties in Torquay and Paignton for the bands shown below are only a guide and do not take into account reductions including single person discount, council tax support, or previous payments.

Band A - £149.00               Band D - £224.00               Band G - £373.00

Band B - £174.00               Band E - £273.00               Band H - £447.00

Band C - £199.00               Band F - £323.00

Residents in Brixham will pay slightly more each month because of the Brixham Town Council precept. These figures are representative of the 2024-2025 Council Tax.

We have a current waiting time for Council Tax processing of 8 Weeks, so please help us by not contacting us during this time.

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Contact Council Tax