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Language that cares

Find out about our commitment to using words and terminology that are easy to understand around our Children’s Services

Language that cares image and logo

Have you or your child ever been in a Children’s Services meeting and not understood everything that’s being said?

Do you find professionals use words or phrases you’ve never heard of, and they don’t explain what they mean?

Perhaps you or your child reads something about themselves in a report and feels upset about the way they’ve been described.

We’re hoping to change that thanks to the introduction of our new Language that Cares policy which launched in April 2024.  

This policy is based on good restorative and recording principles which state that that our writing and recording needs to be:

  • Person Centred – The most important person to think about when you are writing records is the person you are writing about.
  • Participatory – The aim is for the voice, opinions and needs of every child and young person (including non-verbal children) to be included in their records.
  • Language Aware – Describe behaviour but don’t blame or shame.
  • Purposeful – Ensure the record properly reflects a child’s experiences and progress.
  • Clear – Avoid jargon, vague language, acronyms and unfounded assumptions.
  • Analytical – A well-crafted child’s record should be able to show what’s happening for a child at any given time.
  • Include strengths – Include strength and hope-based language.

We’re ensuring that all staff working in Children’s Services use words and terminology that are easy to understand, compassionate and non-judgemental. This is the commitment we have made in our ways of working and SEND pledge.

Over the next few weeks, staff will receive training in how to write more restoratively, including the assessments, reports and plans we write. The changes won’t happen overnight, but we hope you’ll start to see them soon.

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