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Early years foundation stage (EYFS) safeguarding and welfare requirements

Guidance and procedures for day to day running of early year’s settings

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The safeguarding and welfare requirements

These requirements ensure that children in early years settings are safe, healthy, and well-cared for. They are detailed in Section 3 of the EYFS statutory framework and cover several key areas: 

  • Child Protection. Providers must have policies and procedures in place to safeguard children. These must identify and respond to concerns about a child's safety and welfare. 
  • Suitable People. All adults who work with children must be suitable. They must have the appropriate qualifications and skills. They must be DBS checked.  
  • Staff Qualifications, Training, Support, and Skills. Staff must have the necessary qualifications. They must have ongoing training and support so they can meet children's needs. 
  • Key Person. Each child must be assigned a key person. This is to ensure their individual needs are met. It helps to build a strong relationship with the child and their family. 
  • Staff: Child Ratios. A specific ratio of staff to children must be maintained. This ensures adequate supervision and support. 
  • Health. Providers must promote good health. They must manage illness and take steps to prevent the spread of infection. 
  • Managing Children's Behaviour. There must be policies and procedures for managing behaviour in a positive and consistent way. 
  • Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment, and Equipment. The environment must be safe, secure, and suitable for children. There must be regular risk assessments. 

These requirements are important to keep young children safe and happy. Children learn best when they are healthy, safe, and feel secure. They also need good relationships with the adults who take care of them. Providers must do everything they can to keep children safe and well. This section explains what providers must do to:  

  • protect children 
  • make sure adults who are with children are suitable 
  • promote good health 
  • manage behaviour 
  • keep records and policies 

Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage 

The Torbay Safeguarding Children’s Partnership (TSCP) 

The TSCP comprises the statutory Safeguarding Partners;  

  • Police  
  • Health partners  
  • Local Authority  

They work closely with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children and young people in Torbay. The partnership provides:  

  • leadership in all areas of safeguarding  
  • promotes good practice 
  • challenges poor practice 
  • holds organisations to account 

The partnership is focused on creating a learning culture. It uses its links to local, regional, and national safeguarding partners. This drives improvement across all local agencies. They can then deliver the best possible outcomes for children and young people. 

You can find out more on the Torbay Safeguarding Children Partnership website. This includes what to do: 

  • If you are concerned about a child or young person.  
  • Regarding allegations against an adult working with children.  

You should always follow procedures and speak to the designated safeguarding officer. 

What to do if you're worried about a child 

MASH – Multi agency safeguarding hub 

For a non-emergency call the police on 101  

Safer worker practices 

Advice and guidance for Early years providers 


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