Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Information on promotional spaces for hire in Torbay
Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Torbay, known as the English Riviera, has a strong identity of being a premier coastal resort, with a tourism sector that supports local and regional businesses, creates local jobs, and contributes to the sense of place and quality of life. Torbay has a long history of offering promotional space for hire in retail zones and high footfall areas.
Positioned in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty yet with excellent road, air and rail links to national networks. Torbay is within half an hour of the Cities of Exeter and Plymouth, with a recently opened link road connecting us to the motorway network.
There are over 50,000 households in Torbay, with an indicative interest profile:
Contact us at Businessdevelopment@torbay.gov.uk to discuss availability and pricing: