If you want to collect money or sell items on the street or in a public area for charity you will need to get a licence from us. It is our policy to not have more than one charity collecting at any one location at any one time.

You could be fined £200 if you collect money for charity without a licence.


At least 28 days notice must be given to arrange the necessary licences.

  Application for street collection permit Opens in a new window


There is no fee for the licence.


Once the collections have taken place, a return will be required showing how much has been collected and how the monies have been allocated.

  Supply a return for a street collection Opens in a new window

It is our policy to not have more than one charity collecting at any one location at any one time.

In addition collections for non-Torbay based charities can only take place on Saturdays between April and September, unless they are for an individual. 

There are also many terms and conditions to granting a permit. 

Street Collection Regulations 2006
Details of the terms and conditions for granting a street collections permit.
It is in the public interest that we must process your application before it can be granted. You cannot provide, operate or undertake the licensable activity without a licence and submitting an application form does not guarantee that a licence will be granted.
Additionally if a ‘Return’ is not submitted after the collection, then no new licence will be issued in the future until a ‘Return’ has been received.
If an applicant has not had a response within 28 working days please contact us.