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Taking over a Licensed Premises

Find out what you need to do if you're taking over a premises that is licensed for the sale of alcohol

If you are taking over a premises that is licensed for the sale of alcohol you will need to submit two applications:

  • An Application to Transfer the Premises Licence
  • An Application to Vary a Premises Licence to Change the Designated Premises Supervisor

You may also need to apply for a Pavement Licence, submit a Gaming Notification/Permit and register your business with Food Safety.

Transfer Application

A Transfer Application changes the Premises Licence Holder.

A Premises Licence can be transferred to another person or company. This usually happens when the premises has been sold from one person/company to another. A transfer of the licence only changes the identity of the holder of the licence and does not alter the licence in any other way.

Important – If you are applying as an individual/s you must provide proof of your right to work in the UK.

This application can be submitted online or by post. Please visit the ‘Transfer a premises licence’ for more information on how to apply.

Change of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)

A Change of Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) application changes the person named on the premises licence as the DPS.

In every premises licensed for the sale of alcohol there is a person named on the premises licence as the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). The DPS is the person who is responsible for authorising the sale of alcohol and would usually be someone who has day-to-day involvement in running the premises.

In the event that the DPS changes the premises licence holder must apply for the licence to be varied to show the new DPS. The premises licence holder and the DPS can be the same person. The application can be submitted online or by post. Please visit the ‘Change the designated premises supervisor’ for more information on how to apply.

Important - A DPS must hold a valid Personal Licence. If you do not hold a Personal Licence please visit the ‘Personal licence’ for more information.

Pavement Licence

In certain circumstances, some of the highway in front of your business may be used for the placing of tables and chairs whilst the public have food and drink.

A Pavement licence cannot be transferred. If the business you have taken over previously had the benefit of a Pavement Licence you will need to make an application to be able to use the area.

To make an application for a pavement licence visit Pavement Licence.

Alcohol Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Notifications & Permits

Alcohol licensed premises are automatically entitled to two category C or D gaming machines upon notifying us of their intention to make gaming machines available for use. This notification is subject to conditions. If a premises would like more than two category C and D machines they must apply for a permit.

A Gaming Machine Notification and/or Permit cannot be transferred. If you have taking over a premises with gaming machines you will need to submit a notification or apply for a permit.

To apply for a permit or submit a notification visit Alcohol licensed premises (gaming machine permits).

Registering your business with Food Safety

Anyone starting a new food business must register at least 28 days before starting to trade.

It is a legal requirement that all food premises must be registered. Registration is required even if your business only sells pre-packed food and/or drinks.

For further information on how to register visit Register a food business.

Contact Licensing