There are several ways to pay your business rates:
Direct debit
This is the easiest way to pay your business rates and you can set up a Direct Debit payment online.
You can now spread your payments up until March and also change the date and frequency of your payment.
You can pay your bill online with a debit or credit card.
You can pay by debit or credit card on our 24 hour automated payment line:
- Call 03300 887 984
- Calling from abroad +44 3300 887 984
Send payments by post to:
Torbay Council
Town Hall
Castle Circus
In Person
You can pay by cash, cheque or debit card at any bank, Post Office Opens in a new window or at your local shop that displays a Payzone Opens in a new window .
Internet, telephone banking or standing order
If you would like to set up a standing order or your bank allows you to access your bank account by phone or internet, the details you will need are;
- Sort Code: 55-70-01;
- Account Number: 06040411; and
- Name: Torbay Council
- Business rates account reference