We are currently sending email or letters to businesses in receipt of small business rate relief to review entitlement. The email or letter provides a URL, please do not use the relief application form to complete the review. If you are unable to access the provided link, please click here to access the review form.
Partly occupied
Find out if you can get a reduced bill if you don’t occupy all the property.
If a property is partly occupied we have the discretion, in certain cases, to award relief for the unoccupied part.
If we decide relief can be awarded we will ask the Valuation Office Agency Opens in a new window (VOA) to apportion the rateable value between the occupied and unoccupied parts. They will then issue a certificate (Section 44a) and we will send out a reduced bill.
If you think you may qualify please send us a detailed plan of the property clearly showing the measured occupied and unoccupied parts.
This page was last updated over three months ago