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Household Support Fund

This scheme aims to support households in the most need.


The Household Support Fund is designed to provide short-term urgent financial help to Torbay residents who are struggling to afford household essentials.

Funding for this scheme is provided by the Department for Work and Pensions. You can find out more about the Household Support Fund and other help available on the GOV.UK website.

Applications for this funding can be made once by each household from April 1 2024 to September 30 2024.

Payments will start to be made around 19 May 2024.

There is a limited budget available, and this scheme will close when funding is no longer available.

Who can we help?

To be considered for a one-off payment, Household Support, you must be:

  • over 16 years of age,
  • live in Torbay,
  • a household with children
  • a household in receipt of Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Disability living Allowance (DLA) or Attendance Allowance (AA)

This webpage will be updated with details of other types of support available through Household Support Fund shortly.

Who can apply for a one-off payment?

If you are in receipt of a means tested welfare benefit and either have children in your household or you or your partner are entitled to PIP, DLA or AA, you will qualify for a one-off award of £100.

Apply for the Household Support Fund for households on means-tested welfare benefits (including tax credits) who either have children in the household or who receive a disability benefit (PIP, DLA or AA)

If you are not in receipt of a welfare benefit, but you have children in your household or you or your partner are in receipt of PIP, DLA or AA and have a low disposable income of £50 per week or less after all essential expenditures you will qualify for a one off award of between £250 and £500 depending on the size of your household.

Apply for the Household Support Fund for households NOT on welfare benefits, with children, or receiving a disability benefit (PIP, DLA or AA)

Supply your evidence

Please either:

  • Upload it using the link below
  • Email it to
  • Post it to Welfare Support, Torbay Council, Torquay Town Hall, Castle Circus, TQ1 3DR
Upload your evidence

Please make sure to include your name and address when supplying your evidence.

What happens once I submit my application?

Your application will be assessed, and you will be notified of the outcome. Awards will be made into your bank account and do not have to be repaid.

You can obtain a paper application form from Torquay or Brixham libraries or the Paignton Library and Information Centre.

If you cannot apply online, please submit an application by:

You will need to provide a telephone number and email address to ensure your claim is not held up and we can contact you for further information if needed.

Other support

The Welfare Support scheme helps people who are setting up a home for the first time.

If you get Council Tax Support you can claim extra help with your Council Tax.

Torbay Food Alliance can provide a range of support and advice, telephone: 01803 446022

Other support in Torbay provided by Household Support Funding

More information and support can be found on the Government website

Free Home Energy Assessment with Exeter Community Energy (ECOE)

Take advantage of a complimentary home energy assessment offered by ECOE and enjoy the following benefits:

  • Reduce Energy and Household Bills: Learn how to lower your energy consumption and save money on your bills.
  • Access Grants and Schemes: Discover available grants and schemes that can enhance the comfort of your home.
  • Assistance with Bill Tariffs and Supplier/Meter Issues: Get expert help to navigate complex tariff plans and resolve any supplier or meter-related problems.
  • Crisis Support: In times of need, access crucial support services including fuel vouchers, white goods replacements, and debt advice.

Get Started

The Welfare Support scheme helps people who are setting up a home for the first time.

Contact Welfare Support