Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
Submit evidence for your Housing Benefit and/or Pension Age Council Tax Support claim
Our switchboard number (01803 201201) is currently unavailable, please use the direct department numbers
We are currently investigating this with our service provider, and will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.
For Working Age Council Tax Reduction submissions, visit our Working Age Council Tax reduction page for more information
Submitting your documents for your Housing Benefit and/or Pension Age Council Tax Support claim online is the easiest and quickest way to provide your evidence. You can take screenshots or photos of any document you need to provide and upload them using our online form. This saves you having to take your documents to Connections or posting them to us. Read our guide for more help on submitting your documents online.
Submit your supporting documents
You can get information on the evidence needed for a benefit application on our What evidence do you need to supply? page.