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Can students claim?

information on which students can claim.

You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if you meet one of the following criteria: 

  • You are single and of state pension credit qualifying age, or
  • Part of a couple and are both of state pension credit qualifying age, or
  • Part of a couple and been continuously receiving Pension Credit since at least 14/05/19. Find your State Pension Credit qualifying age  Opens in a new window True.
  • Live in supported accommodation
  • Have been placed in temporary accommodation by the Local Authority

If not you need to claim Universal Credit  Opens in a new window True for help with paying your rent.

Most full time students can’t get Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support.

A full-time student is someone who is studying at college or university for 16 hours per week or more.

There are some exceptions:

  • Lone-parent and lone foster parent students
  • Student couples with children
  • A student with a partner who is not a student - the partner must make the claim
  • Pension age students or a student with a partner who is pension age
  • Disabled students
  • Students who get Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Students aged under 22 studying up to and including GCE 'A' Level or BTEC National Diploma or National Certificate
  • Students whose course has been interrupted because of illness or they are caring for someone

If you are a student that can claim will need to complete the online application, a student details form and provide proof of any student income that you have such as grants and loans.

Student Details Form
Fill us this form to inform us of your details as a student.

If you are a full time student and are not entitled to Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support, you may be entitled to a reduction in council tax.

This page was last updated over three months ago

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