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Deductions for other adults living with you

Information on deductions for non-dependants that could reduce the amount you get.

You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if you meet one of the following criteria: 

  • You are single and of state pension credit qualifying age, or
  • Part of a couple and are both of state pension credit qualifying age, or
  • Part of a couple and been continuously receiving Pension Credit since at least 14/05/19. Find your State Pension Credit qualifying age  Opens in a new window True.
  • Live in supported accommodation
  • Have been placed in temporary accommodation by the Local Authority

If not you need to claim Universal Credit  Opens in a new window True for help with paying your rent.

The amount you get may be reduced if you have someone, other than your partner, living with you such as grown up children, friends or other relatives. These deductions are known as ‘non-dependant’ deductions.

We will not make a deduction if you or your partner are: 

  • Registered blind
  • Getting Attendance Allowance
  • Getting the care component of Disability Living Allowance
  • Getting the standard or enhanced rate of the daily living component of Personal Independence Payments

If you have a couple living with you we will only take one deduction. If one is working full time we will add the joint income together and use this to decide the deduction. If neither are working we will take the higher one of the deductions that apply

The amount of the deduction depends on whether or not they work full time and if they do it will be based on their total gross weekly income.

This page was last updated over three months ago

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