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Find out more Healthwatch Torbay and whether they could help you.

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Healthwatch Torbay is your local independent health and social care champion.

They speak up for the people of Torbay, making sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear their voices and use their feedback to improve care.

Healthwatch can also help you find reliable information and advice.

Share feedback about a local service online

You can also share your feedback or ask Healthwatch for help over the phone for free by calling 0800 520 0640 Monday to Thursday from 10am to 4pm.

Useful Healthwatch Torbay Links

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Why share your experiences with Healthwatch

Services can’t make improvements without hearing your views. That’s why Healthwatch make sure they hear from everyone within our local area so their voice is heard and services meet their needs.

They work with many statutory and voluntary organisations across the county, representing the views and experiences of local people to influence change in a positive way.

Sharing your health and care experience can make a real difference.

Contact Healthwatch Torbay direct