• Team/Clinical Lead: Alison Kingdon
  • Phone Number/s: 01803 219832 
  • Email address: Contact form
  • Web page link: NHS Information for care homes and hospitals
  • Services Covered: Ensures people who cannot consent to their care arrangements in a care home or hospital are protected if those arrangements deprive them of their liberty. Arrangements are assessed to check they are necessary and in the person's best interests.
  • Locality Covered: Torbay and South Devon
  • Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm
  • Team/Clinical Lead: Linda Challis
  • Phone Number/s: 01803 654708 (voicemail)
  • Email address: tsdft.trustedplacementadvisor@nhs.net
  • Services Covered: Trusted Placement Advisor (TPA) Service is available to support independent providers, ward staff and health and social care colleagues to ensure that we are supporting people to leave hospital at the right time with the right level of support. 
  • Locality Covered: South Devon and Torbay
  • Hours of Operation: Lynn Watson Monday to Thursday 9am to 5 pm 07721819910, Tania Coome Tuesday to Friday 8am to 4 pm 07551372380