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Torbay’s Adult Social Care Self-Assessment

Executive Summary

Torbay’s Adult Social Care Self-Assessment has been published for the first time. This is a holistic assessment of all Adult Social Care services in Torbay commissioned by Torbay Council (with support from NHS Devon) as part of the Integrated Care Partnership and includes:

  • Services provided by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
  • Local Care Homes and Domiciliary Care (at home) services
  • Voluntary Sector services providing Adult Social Care Services
  • Support for Carers and the Cared-for

The Self-Assessment report publication follows the consultation over the summer of 2023 on our Adult Social Care Strategy with local stakeholders and in conjunction with HealthWatch. It should be noted that the Self-Assessment represents a snapshot in time and will be reviewed every six months.

Torbay has a strong history of long and deeply embedded integrated working and can be proud of the many benefits that this brings to our population, our services, and the wider Integrated Care System.

The Self-Assessment report and wider approach to Adult Social Care will also support our vision for a happy, healthy and prosperous Torbay, as outlined in our Community and Corporate Plan.

Highlights of the Self-Assessment report include:

  • Long-established and deep integration with the NHS via a section 75 agreement. This was recently renewed for another five years.
  • Supported 1,300 Carers with services or given information and advice
  • Supported 2,803 Adults in Learning Disability services
  • 3,287 clients received long term support in 2022/23
  • 85% of people using reablement services reach independence
  • 93% of people that finish reablement services are at or better than their baseline independence level
  • Good partnership working with the Voluntary and Community Sector.
  • Good Home Care provision with almost no delayed Pathway 1 discharges from hospital throughout the 22/23 winter period.
  • Torbay has a comparable amount of good or outstanding rated care home providers when compared to the England average.
  • Our clinically led Quality Assurance and Improvement (QAIT) team works well with the sector to improve the quality of provision and develop an improvement plan with those who are struggling, through direct intervention and support from clinicians.

The Self-Assessment also highlights a number of real-life people’s stories which demonstrate the joint working that’s taken place and how it’s benefitting people, including:

Practice Educators - Three experienced social workers who undertook specialist post - qualifying training called the Practice Educator (PE) award. This role works with social worker students on their work placements. Naomi, a Practice Educator, said: “My journey has been nurturing, supportive and an enriching learning experience, and I’m now sharing my skills and knowledge with our future social work students. I genuinely feel that without the support of the Trust I would not have achieved my social work degree and practice educators’ award. I am now looking forward to the next stage of my career and helping others to achieve their learning outcomes.”

Carers Support - The joint approach for Carers services across the Council and TSDFT is one of genuine co production. The Council and Health partners are signed up to the Devon wide Commitment to Carers and TSDFT is also signed up to the principles within the Triangle of Care (a partnership between professionals, the person being cared for and the Carer).

Specific support for Carers in Torbay includes: GP based Carer support workers, Carers Assessments delivered by voluntary sector partners including MenCap and Carers Aid. Support for Young Carers (5-18), Young Adult Carers (16-25), a specialist Learning Disability Carers Service, and specialist Mental Health and Older People’s Mental Health Carer Support Workers and hospital based Carer support workers based at Torbay Hospital.

One of the Carers told us: The carers services have been there for me when I was going through difficult times. “I talked to them (Carers service) about getting in some help and I opted for a live-in carer who was able to take my husband out so I could have some time to myself.  My husband would get angry if I wasn’t in the same room, so the live-in carer also meant that I could do housework etc without worrying about leaving the room for a few minutes.”

Assistive Technology and equipment – The TECH service provides the latest telecare and 24/7 emergency monitoring.  One patient told us:

“I am 52 and I have learning difficulties. I am independent and love going out in my community and enjoy craft sessions and the support groups I go to. I have anxiety, especially in the evening, as I live on my own. I have to go to Torbay Hospital’s emergency department for help when I ring 999.  I am scared of falling and I need someone to talk to.

“The TECH team came and saw me, and they said I could have some equipment so I can press a button for help and talk to someone.  This has made me feel less anxious and I don’t have to ring 999 for help any more.”

This is just a small sample of the case studies featured in the Self-Assessment. Other services highlighted in the report include:

  • Learning Disability Services
  • Hospital Discharge Service
  • Transitions from Childrens to Adults Service
  • Carers services

Next Steps:

We aim to publish updated Self-Assessments every six months so we will update this website with these.

It is anticipated that, in common with many other local authorities, Torbay will be subject to a CQC inspection in the near future. We will publish further information about the CQC Inspection once we get confirmation of the start date.

  • There will also be a Local Government Association Peer Review of Torbay’s Adult Social Care services on 17,18 and 19 June 2024.

Get involved

If you are interested in working with us on the co-production of our Adult Social Care Services, please contact