Outside body

Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board


The Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board is made up of 12 representatives from Torbay Council and local health and pharmaceutical organisations with terms of reference:


  • To develop the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment.
  • To provide a statement on the integration of health-related services and the provision of health and social care services in Torbay.
  • To participate in the early implementer network for Health and Wellbeing Boards.


Use the link below to access agendas and minutes of previous meetings for the Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board as well as officer reports that were discussed:


Agendas, reports and minutes

Contact information

Lisa Antrobus
Governance Support Officer

Governance Support Team
Town Hall
Castle Circus

Phone: 01803 207064

Our representatives

  • Steve Moore
  • Kevin Dixon - Local Involvement Network