Meeting attendance

Thursday, 26 January 2023 2.00 pm, Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board

Venue:   Meadfoot Room - Town Hall

Contact:    Governance Support

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Jane Barnby Vice-Chair Apologies, sent representative
Councillor Cat Johns Chairwoman Present
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Councillor Robert Loxton Committee Member Apologies
Councillor James O'Dwyer Committee Member Apologies
Amanda Moss Non-elected, non-voting Expected
Pat Harris Non-elected, non-voting Present
Lincoln Sargeant Officer Expected
Jo Williams Officer In attendance
Anne Hawley Secretary Expected
Councillor Hazel Foster Committee Member Present
Councillor John Dudley Committee Member Present
Councillor Jackie Stockman Guest In attendance