Meeting attendance

Monday, 1 November 2021 2.00 pm, Children and Young People’s Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board

Venue:   Meadfoot Room - Town Hall

Contact:    Governance Support

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Nick Bye Chairman Present
Councillor Jane Barnby Committee Member Present
Councillor Mandy Darling Committee Member Present
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar Committee Member Present
Councillor Judith Mills Vice-Chair Present
Tatiana Wilson Co-Optee Present
Laura Colman Co-Optee Apologies
Vacancy - Roman Catholic Diocese Representative Co-Optee Expected
Vacancy - Secondary Parent Governor Representative Co-Optee Expected
Jo Morrell Non-elected, non-voting Apologies
Charlie Hine Non-elected, non-voting Absent
Mike Cook Non-elected, non-voting Apologies
Teresa Buckley Clerk Expected
Nigel Yelland Non-elected, non-voting Apologies
Lisa Antrobus Secretary Expected