Issue details

Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The SPD provides guidance on interpreting parts of the existing development plan policy in respect of S106 Planning Obligations, including affordable housing.  It is proposed to carry out an interim update of the SPD in order to:

·                Apply recent changes to the National Planning Policy.

·                Incorporate the Government requirement for First Homes into the existing affordable housing requirements set out in the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans.

·                Make changes in line with the updated CIL Regulations and Planning Practice Guidance (including the removal of pooling restrictions and restrictions on use of s106).

·                Simplify the SPD and remove snags from the 2017 document.  

·                Increase contributions in line with inflation, and make it clear that contributions will be updated in line with inflation in the future.

·                Seek contributions for residential development on the basis of dwelling floorspace rather than number of bedrooms.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policy Framework;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 08/06/2022

Decision due: 12 Jul 2022 by Cabinet

Decision due: 15 Nov 2022 by Cabinet

Decision due: 8 Dec 2022 by Council

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Infrastructure, Environment and Culture

Lead director:

Contact: David Pickhaver Email:

Consultation process

Set out by the Local Planning Regulations 2012


Internal consultation May 2022
Wider public consultation of the draft document is proposed later in 2022.

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: Maximise the collection of S106 contributions within the context of the Local Plan, neighbourhood plans and the CIL Regulations. At present contribution levels are sought at 2017 prices.

Key Risks: The Planning Contributions SPD does not make policy, but guides implementation of the existing Local Plan. Seeking to make changes to the SPD that are more appropriately left to the Local Plan would delay its adoption.

If you want to make representations contact:: Craig Davies, or David Pickhaver,