Issue details

Children Services Capital Programme 2020/21

The Children’s Services Capital Programme shows how the Local Authority (LA) intends to invest awarded capital allocations in its school estate.  The capital allocations include the Repairs and Maintenance funding and the Basic Need Allocation.


The aim of the Capital Programme is to ensure all schools are fit for purpose, are effective learning environments and that the LA has sufficient capacity in its schools to meet demand.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Capital expenditure +£250,000 and outside Capital Plan;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 20/03/2020

Decision due: 14 Jul 2020 by Cabinet

Decision due: 16 Jul 2020 by Council

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Children's Services

Lead director: Divisional Director Education, Learning & Skills

Contact: Samantha Poston, Education Services Team Leader Email:, Clare Talbot, Head of Education Services Email:, Rachael Williams Email:

Consultation process

Council Officers have consulted with schools and there will be a statutory consultation process for any planning applications.


Meetings and website.

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: To ensure pupils are placed at their local school. To invest capital funding for the betterment of a local school.

Key Risks: Local Authority projections show that secondary pupil numbers will exceed the available capacity from 2021. The Local Authority will be in breach of its statutory duty if it fails to provide local pupils with a school place.

If you want to make representations contact:: Clare Talbot, Education Team, TDA, 3rd Floor, Tor Hill House, Union Street, Torquay, TQ2 5QW, telephone: (01803) 208220, email:
