Issue details

Princess Promenade Regeneration

Consideration of options to allow the opening of the Princess Promenade and to secure its long term future.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Revenue Budget variation +£250,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Tormohun;

Decision due: 31 Oct 2011 by Council

Lead member: Executive Lead for Tourism, Culture and Harbours

Lead director: Charles Uzzell

Contact: Sue Cheriton, Executive Head of Residents and Visitor Services Email:, Steve Parrock, Chief Executive of TDA Email:

Consultation process

Meetings, circulation of papers and plans


Ward Councillors, Council, Natural England and Spatial Planning Team

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: The Princess Promenade, Torquay is currently closed to the public due to the structural condition. The Princess Promenade, Torquay is currently closed to the public due to the structural condition. Better public access and increased visitors.

Key Risks: Key risks include the following: - Budget and cost overruns due to adverse weather conditions or unforeseen structural issues identified during construction. - The existing structure not being fit for purpose in future years.

If you want to make representations contact:: Patrick Carney, telephone (01803) 207710, email


Agenda items