Issue details

Annual Review of the Corporate Capital Strategy and Corporate Asset Management Plan

The Council needs to annually review its Corporate Capital Strategy, as part of its suite of corporate policies within the Policy Framework, in order to inform decisions on spending priorities within the 4-year Capital Plan Budget.


The Council needs to annually review its Asset Management Plan to ensure that it is appropriate and consistent with the Corporate Plan, and that its assets (property and land) are fit for purpose and are being used in an efficient manner, which demonstrates value for money.

Reason Key: Policy Framework;

Type: Information Only

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Considered on: 1 Feb 2012 by Council

Lead member: Deputy Mayor Executive Lead for Strategic Planning, Housing, Energy and Environmental Policy, Executive Lead for Finance and Audit

Lead director: Charles Uzzell

Contact: Paul Looby, Executive Head of Finance Email:, Martin Phillips Email:

Consultation process

Meetings, circulation of papers.


Corporate Asset Management Team, Place Policy Development Group and Overview and Scrutiny Board

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: Both the Corporate Capital Strategy and the Asset Management Plan will assist with the decision making processes of the Council.

Key Risks: Without this document the Council would not be able to demonstrate a corporate and cohesive approach to capital investment across all services. Failure to adopt the revised Asset Management Plan will leave the Council without an up to date plan and without the ability to demonstrate a strategic approach to asset management. The new plan contains specific proposals for dealing with a wide range of issues such as the suitability of assets, efficient use of resources and backlog maintenance.

If you want to make representations contact:: Martin Phillips, telephone (01803) 207285, fax (01803) 207492, email