Issue details

Torquay Harbour Area Action Plan (formal submission to Government)

The Torquay Harbour Area Action Plan (THAAP) is a statutory Development Plan Document forming part of the Torbay Local Development Framework. The THAAP will provide a planning policy framework for the regeneration, conservation and enhancement of a visually and economically important area of Torbay. It covers the period up to 2026. The Plan also takes into account other plans and strategies, what these aim to deliver and the kind of place that they suggest the harbour area should become in the future.

The THAAP builds on earlier plan-making stages, each of which has progressively developed a range of ideas into a detailed policy framework, taking account of the views expressed by the public, local communities, business interests and statutory consultees. Each stage of the Action Plan has also been the subject of a Sustainability Appraisal and a Habitats Regulations Assessment.

The present version of THAAP (the Regulation 27 Pre-Submission document) is the draft document that will be submitted by the Council to the Secretary of State in summer 2011, for Independent Public Examination in autumn 2011.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Policy Framework;

Decision status: Abandoned

Wards affected: Tormohun; Wellswood;

Decision due: 15 May 2012 by Council

Lead member: Deputy Mayor Executive Lead for Strategic Planning, Housing, Energy and Environmental Policy

Lead director: Charles Uzzell

Contact: Les Crump, Executive Head of Spatial Planning Email:

Consultation process

A range of formal six week public participation and consultation periods in accordance with Development Plan Regulations, using a variety of methods (including press and local media, leaflet distribution, paper and online consultation forms, community presentations) and a range of venues (Connections, Libraries, specific Council offices and consultation caravan). Further details are set out in the THAAP participation and consultation documentation.


Ward Councillors, the Local Development Framework Working Party, Torbay Strategic Partnership, Community Partnerships and Torbay Care Trust.

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: The THAAP provides a unique opportunity for the positive environmental, economic and social enhancement of an area of special importance to Torbay. The Plan will facilitate the delivery of lasting economic and cultural change in accordance with a clear Vision and strategic objectives. Progression of this Plan will enable the adoption of both umbrella policies and specific site proposals to ensure that the harbour area has a sustainable future. Submission of the THAAP to Central Government for Examination will set in train the means of adopting a ‘sound’ Plan that will enable the achievement of these opportunities.

Key Risks: Failure to prepare the Area Action Plan would be in conflict with the Torbay Local Development Scheme (LDS) and therefore result in non-compliance with the statutory obligations set out in The Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2004 (as amended). In the absence of clear and detailed planning guidance for developers and decision makers, there would be a risk to the ability of the Council to facilitate the improvement and regeneration of the area around the harbour on a co-ordinated basis.

If you want to make representations contact:: Steve Turner, telephone (01803) 208812, fax (01803) 208858, email