Torbay Swimming Strategy
Following on from the Sports Facilities Strategy 2009, which is based on the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) housing growth projections, and in light of the financial pressures facing the community pools in Torbay, it is considered that a detailed look at swimming provision in Torbay is now required. The strategy will look specifically at usage of the existing provision against capacity, the state and quality of facilities including any capital requirement for the next ten year period to meet the need, and assessing the future need based on the revised housing growth figures.
The criteria for the consideration of the strategy will include:
¨ Examining how we can provide cost effective provision within Torbay that benchmarks positively nationally and regionally.
¨ Demand management – how can we make better use of available swimming capacity to make more effective use of the available swimming resources.
¨ Examine how, recognising the varying quality and condition of swimming infrastructure across Torbay, we can create an affordable medium to long-term plan for the maintenance of an acceptable level of swimming provision.
¨ Examine how we can work with, support and encourage independent community providers to improve the long-term sustainability of their facilities.
¨ Fully consider the on-going revenue and capital impacts of the proposed strategy, including the identification of external funding sources, and ensure that all recommendations can be supported financially by the Council subject to endorsement by the Council.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Policy Framework;
Decision status: Abandoned
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Decision due: 1 Feb 2012 by Council
Lead member: Executive Lead for Safer Communities and Transport, Executive Lead for Tourism, Culture and Harbours
Lead director: Charles Uzzell
Contact: Sue Cheriton, Executive Head of Residents and Visitor Services Email:
Consultation process
Meetings, letters and swimming pool provider
ongoing data collection
Ward members, community partners including the
Community Sports Network and Community Partnerships, the Sports
Council, and regional bodies including Sport England and Active
Devon, current users of the facilities and Place Policy Development
Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: To optimise the usage of the pool capacity in Torbay. There is ample capacity available in the current swimming pools with usage at only 43% against circa 70% elsewhere in Devon. Torbay has greater capacity than the national average but low usage. There is an opportunity to increase the usage and invest in facilities to meet the need.
Key Risks: There are concerns on the quality and long term stability of the swimming pools in Torbay, aging buildings, old expensive to run plant and maintenance backlogs mean that the cost of the current provision may be unaffordable based on the current usage/income generated. There is a risk swimming provision could be lost if a medium to long term strategy is not put in place.
If you want to make representations contact:: Sue Cheriton, telephone (01803) 207972, fax (01803) 207981, email
Agenda items
- 21/09/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Board Torbay Swimming Strategy 2011 - 2026 21/09/2011
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