Issue details

Torbay Public Service Trust (SWIFT project)

The report outlines the establishment of a new legal framework called the Torbay Public Services Trust (TPST) which will be established as a company limited by guarantee, completed within the remit of the Social Work Innovation Fund (SWIFT). This new organisation will be used as a vehicle for public and community and voluntary sector bodies in Torbay to co-commission services and to share savings across parties.  This is a means of achieving a common public purse and commissioner.  The report outlines the benefit to Torbay Council and requests permission for the Local Authority to become a member.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: High level of public interest;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 23/09/2015

Decision due: January 2016 by Executive Director of Operations and Finance

Decision due: 3 Feb 2016 by Council

Lead member: Executive Lead for Adults

Lead director: Director of Children's Services and Innovation

Contact: Gail Rogers Email:

Consultation process

There have been two workshops to date where the Local Authority and partner organisations have sent legal and commissioning Leads and Chief Officers.  At the first meeting, attendees selected DA and mental health as key cross-cutting issues for the new TPST to progress. Further consultation has taken place with the same groups for due diligence of the papers, and amendments have been made. Presentations have/are to be made internally within the Senior Leadership Team, to the Hospital Trust Board (the ICO), the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the South Devon and Torbay CCG.


South Devon and Torbay CCG
The Office of the Police and Crime Commission
The Joined Up Board (Integrated Care Organisation)
Torbay Culture Partnership
SWIFT Strategic Group (multi-agency including the Community Development Trust)
SWIFT Seconded Integration Champions (multi-agency practitioners)
SWIFT Influential Community Members x4
SWIFT focus groups - staff and children and young people
Hele, Barton and Watcombe community via consultation

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: Other organisations primed to join the Torbay Public Service Trust (TPST) are Devon and Cornwall Police, the Office of the Police and Crime Commission, Torbay and Southern Devon Health Care Trust, Torbay and South Devon Health Partnership Trust, and the Community Rehabilitation Company. The TPST will act as a vehicle through which its members contract to commission jointly and pay for services. This will reduce duplicated transaction costs over a wide range of organisations and early intervention projects, and help improve deliverability as decision makers from across the public sector would have a clear and proven way of delivering projects.

Key Risks: There are no risks to the Local Authority of becoming members of the TPST. Membership does not require any individual organisation's participation within commissioning or investment proposals, but does enable this. The TPST is not staffed and members contribute in-kind resources to legally maintaining it as an organisation.

If you want to make representations contact:: Gail Rogers SWIFT project c/o Town Hall, Castle Circus, Torquay TQ1 3DR telephone 207073, email
