Issue details

Disposal of Real Estate Assets

To consider a report proposing the disposal of the following assets which are no longer required by the Council:

The following will be considered at the Council meeting on 25 September 2014


1.    2 Fore Street/2 Brewery Lane, Bolton Cross, Brixham (Plan EM2461 B0140)

2.    386 Teignmouth Road, Torquay (Plan EM1076)

The following will be considered at the Council meeting on 30 October 2014


1.    Hillrise Playground, Brixham (Plan EM2445 B0361)

2.    Land at Whitstone Road, Paignton (Plan EM2429 P0338 P1082)

3.    Land at corner of Sands Rd, Paignton (Plan EM2429 P0338 P1082)

4.    Land adjoining Davies Avenue (Plan EM2454 P0012)

5.    Land at junction of Dart Avenue & Marldon Avenue, Torquay (Plan EM2426a T3121 T3119)

6.    Land at junction of Dart Avenue & Tamar Avenue, Torquay (Plan EM2426 T3119)

7.    Pendennis Playground 1, Pendennis Rd, Torquay (EM2448)

8.    Land junction at Clennon Lane & Fore Street, Torquay (Plan EM2449 T3109)

9.    Land adjacent no 7 Weaver Court, Torquay (Plan EM2455 T0956)

10. Land at Stentiford Hill – Part, Torquay (Plan EM2456 T0395ZZ)

11. Open land at Sanford Road, Torquay (Plan EM2457 T0240)

12. Land at Pym Close, Torquay (Plan EM2458 T3050)

13. Garth Road, Torquay (Plan EM2459)


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: High level of public interest;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Berry Head with Furzeham; Churston with Galmpton; Cockington with Chelston; Roundham with Hyde; Shiphay with the Willows; Tormohun; Watcombe;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 22/08/2014

Decision due: 25 Sep 2014 by Mayor and Executive Lead for Employment and Regeneration, Finance and Audit

Decision due: 30 Oct 2014 by Elected Mayor

Lead member: Deputy Mayor Executive Lead for Strategic Planning, Housing, Energy and Environmental Policy Mayor and Executive Lead for Employment and Regeneration, Finance and Audit

Lead director: Director of Place

Contact: Liam Montgomery, Managing Director Email:

Consultation process

Circulation of explanatory letter and consultation with local Ward Members, local Community Partnerships and Torbay Local Access Forum


Local Ward Members, local community and Torbay Local Access forum

Reason for inclusion in Forward Plan: Disposals of land to obtain capital receipts and reduce expenditure on management and maintenance

Key Risks: Continued costs of maintenance and management and loss of capital receipt

If you want to make representations contact:: Liam Montgomery, Torbay Development Agency, 3rd Floor, Tor Hill House, Union Street, Torquay, TQ2 5QW, Telephone 208720, email:


Agenda items
