Issue - decisions

Community and Corporate Plan

16/02/2024 - Community and Corporate Plan

That the Council be recommended to approve the Community and Corporate Plan 2023-2043.

24/11/2023 - Community and Corporate Plan 2023-2043

That the Council be recommended to approve the Community and Corporate Plan 2023-2043 subject to the following amendment, the sentence ‘we will build strong working relationships with our community police’ under the community and people theme, be moved to the bottom of the summary section of the community and people theme.

22/09/2023 - Community and Corporate Plan

1.         That the draft Community and Corporate Plan be published for consultation.


2.         That the Chief Executive be authorised, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to determine any further Policy Framework plans and strategies to be published for consultation to bring them in line with the draft Community and Corporate Plan.