Issue - decisions

Potential Disposal of Surplus Assets

14/07/2023 - Disposal of Assets

1)        That the Director of Pride in Place be requested to instruct preparation of an outline planning permission for the surplus toilet blocks at Preston North and Corbyn Head and disposal of these assets with outline planning consent via auction; and be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member for Place Services and Economic Growth, for ensuring that the assets are disposed of in line with the objectives set out in the submitted report.


2)           That the Director of Pride in Place be requested to instruct the disposal of the Old Toll House in Torquay and be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Director of Finance and the Cabinet Member for Place Services and Economic Growth, for ensuring that the asset is disposed of in line with the objectives set out in the submitted report.


3)            That the Director of Pride in Place be requested to instruct a strategic review of the Council’s estate to identify other assets which could be disposed of to support the delivery of the Council’s objectives.