Issue - decisions

Temporary Accommodation Sufficiency Implementation

13/05/2022 - Temporary Accommodation Sufficiency Implementation

1.         That subject to final due diligence, the Divisional Director of Community and Customer Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Corporate and Community Services be authorised to either:


a)         undertake the required actions to activate the Council’s Registered Provider status and apply for Investment Partner status with Homes England; or


b)        utilise TorVista


            to hold the properties once acquired;


2.         Subject to Full Council approval of the Prudential Borrowing or use of appropriate Capital Receipts for the purchase and renovation of properties for temporary accommodation:


(i)                  that authority be delegated to the Divisional Director of Community and Customer Services in consultation with the Director of Finance, Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing and Cabinet Member for Community and Corporate Support, to award contracts to successful bidders on the Temporary Accommodation Development and Management Partner procurement;  and


(ii)                that authority be delegated to the Divisional Director of Community and Customer Services in consultation with the Director of Finance, Cabinet Member for Economic Regeneration, Tourism and Housing and Cabinet Member for Community and Corporate Support, to award contracts to successful bidders on the Temporary Accommodation Property Management Procurement; and


3.         That the Director of Place be requested to prepare a business case setting out the opportunity to use the contractor appointed under this procurement, to procure properties for use as Social Rent in Torbay. Such report to be presented to enable the Cabinet to make any recommendations to Council in July 2022;  and


That the Cabinet recommends to Council:


4.         That prudential borrowing of up to £10m or use of appropriate Capital Receipts to fund the purchase and renovation costs of properties for the provision of temporary accommodation, be approved and that approval for the purchase of individual properties be delegated to the Director of Finance in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance.