Issue - decisions

Brunel Academy Relocation Options Appraisal

19/04/2018 - Brunel Academy Relocation Options Appraisal

(i)         that the development and improvement of the existing Brunel Academy site proceeds, incorporating the Brookfield site and that £1.5m of the remaining Torbay School Relocation budget be allocated to the project; and


(ii)        that the Director of Children Services be given a mandate to work in partnership with Catch 22 to continue to look for a solution for Burton Academy.

18/12/2017 - Brunel Academy Relocation Options Appraisal

That the options appraisal for Brunel Academy is extended to encompass the Polsham Key Stage 3 and Hillside Key Stage 4 alternative provision sites in order to develop an holistic response that makes best use of the resources available, whilst maximising outcomes for SEMH pupils.  This work to be completed early February 2018 with the outcome to be presented to a future meeting of the Policy Development and Decision Group.