Issue - decisions

Children and Young People's Plan

07/06/2018 - Children and Young People's Plan

That the Council be recommended:


(i)         that the Children and Young Peoples Plan 2018/2023 be approved as part of the Councils Policy Framework, with delegated authority to the Director of Childrens Services in consultation with the Executive Lead for Childrens Services and the Elected Mayor to make any final amendments in light of the outcome of the Ofsted Inspection.

18/12/2017 - Children and Young People's Plan - Draft for Consultation

(i)         that the draft Children and Young People Plan set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report be agreed as the basis for consultation with the Council’s partners and stakeholders (including children and young people);


(ii)        that the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Children and Adults Services, be authorised to develop the action plan with the Children and Young People Plan taking into account the views expressed during the consultation period; and


(iii)       that the final draft of the Children and Young People’s Plan be agreed by the Mayor ahead of it being presented to the Council for consideration.