Issue - decisions

Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document

29/03/2017 - Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document

That the Council be recommended:


(i)       that, following consideration of representations made on the Draft Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), subject to paragraph 4.1.1 be amended to read “New A5 facilities should not lead to an over-concentration of A5 uses within any one individual centre. In particular, A5 uses should not overly dominate the retail offer within district, local and neighbourhood shopping centres so that they encompass more than 10% of the retail frontage.”, the SPD be adopted, with minor modifications as set out in Appendix 1 to the submitted report; and


(ii)      that the Executive Head of Business Services and Director of Public Health, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing and the Executive Lead for Health and Wellbeing and Corporate Services  be given delegated powers to make minor amendments to the Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document to ensure legibility and clarity.

15/02/2017 - Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document Consultation Draft

To publish the Draft Healthy Torbay Supplementary Planning Document for public consultation.