Issue - decisions

Future State Project

10/12/2013 - Future State Project

(i)         That the implementation of Future State processes, organisational structures and auditing of the contract to contribute towards a target of £930,500 in savings between Torbay Council, TOR2 and other contractors, be approved. The target savings breakdown as follows:


·        TOR2 - £369,000 (50% to Torbay Council)

·        Torbay Council, Resident & Visitors: £521,500

·        Torbay Council, Contact Centre: £40,000

·        Other departments: To be determined.


(ii)        That authority be delegated to the Director of Place in consultation with the Mayor and Executive Leads to align the organisational structure of the Council to Future State processes to meet resource and efficiency savings. In this regard:


·        It is recommended that the management of all property Assets, including Highways and Street Scene, are centralised under Torbay Development Agency by April 2015.


·        It is recommended that the Council structure will mirror the changes that TOR2 have made in aligning the business around work types – Ordered/Programmed, Reactive and Cyclical work.


·        It is recommended that the calls relating to TOR2 are moved from the Torbay Contact Centre and are taken by the TOR2 Control Hub.


(iii)       That Torbay Council and TOR2 continue working towards the current performance standards and implement a process of continual performance improvement and auditing of the Joint Venture.