Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Proposal 2013/2014

11/02/2013 - Revenue Budget Proposal 2013/2014

(i)           That it be recommended to Council:


(a)        the revenue budget for 2013/14 (paragraph 6.3 of the submitted report) and the associated fees and charges (appendix 1 of the submitted report), be approved;


(b)       the final notified Dedicated Schools Grant be used in accordance with the nationally laid down Schools Financial Regulations (paragraph 6.1 (a) of the submitted report) and that the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to make amendments as required when the final figures are confirmed;


(c)        that the Members’ Allowances Scheme will be implemented in 2013/2014 in accordance with the decision of the Council at its meeting on 1 February 2013 subject to the annual local government pay percentage increase (paragraph 6.1 (b) of the submitted report); and that Members acknowledge that they are not to be auto enrolled to the Local Government Pension Scheme for the reasons given in the report;


(d)        the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Mayor and Executive Lead Member for Finance be authorised to approve expenditure from the Comprehensive Spending Review reserve and Budget Pressures reserve;


(e)       in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government Act 2003, to consider and note the advice given by the Chief Finance Officer with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves (sections 8 and 9 of the submitted report);


(f)         the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Mayor and Executive Lead Member for Finance be authorised to make adjustments to and introduce new fees and charges within the budget during 2013/14 if it is in the best interest for the Council;


(g)       the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Mayor, Executive Lead Member for Finance and appropriate officers, be authorised to determine the allocation and expenditure of any new grant monies, unallocated grants or other additional income that may be received during the year 2013/14;


(h)        the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to make adjustments to the budgets for any technical changes;


(i)         the Chief Finance Officer prepare the appropriate documentation for the Council to approvethe Council Tax setting at the meeting on 28 February 2013 and all other returns to be made by the appropriate date;


(j)         impact assessments as shown in appendix 2 of the submitted report are noted;


(k)        that Council note the Review of Reserves report and approve the transfer of the surplus on a number of individual reserves to the Comprehensive Spending Review Reserve (appendix 3 of the submitted report);


(l)         that Council approve and endorse the Capital Strategy and Asset Management Plan as set out in appendices 4 and 5 of the submitted report;


(m)     that Council notes the latest position on the 4 year Capital Investment Plan as set out in Appendix 11 of the submitted report;


(n)        that Council approve and endorse the Treasury Management Strategy and the recommendations in the submitted report as set out in appendix 6;


(o)       that Council note the updated Medium Term Resource Plan as set out in appendix 7 of the submitted report;


(p)       that Council note commissioning agreements from EDC, Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust and English Riviera Tourism Company as set out in appendix 8 of the submitted report;


(q)       that the Council note that Torbay has joined a Devonwide Pool as part of the Business rates Retention scheme - the agreement and arrangements for the pool are shown in appendix 9 of the submitted report;


(r)        that Council approve a premium of 50% on the full Council Tax charge to be applied to all properties that have been empty and unfurnished  in excess of two years -   see paragraph 5.21 to 5.22 of the submitted report.


(s)        that Council note the completed NNDR1 form as set out in appendix 10 of the submitted report, which forms part of the Council’s overall income to fund the 2013/14 budget – paragraph 10.10 to 10.12 of the submitted report.


(ii)       Due to the size of the reductions required to deliver a balanced budget and their impact, Council accept the risks in preparing this budget. These risks have been identified in detail in this report and associated budget proposals prepared by officers for their respective Business Units.