Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/2026
27/11/2024 - Revenue and Capital Budget 2025/2026
1. that the budget proposals for 2025/26 are launched for consultation running until midnight on 12 January 2025 and that the Overview and Scrutiny Board be asked to provide feedback as part of that consultation.
2. that the Chief Finance Officer be given authority to amend these budget proposals for any technical adjustments necessary between services and within the overall envelope of funding in agreement with the Leader of the Council;
3. should the Local Government Finance Settlement due to be announced in December 2024 materially affect the proposed budget proposals, the Director of Finance be requested to present an update report to the Overview and Scrutiny Board and Cabinet in January 2025; and
4. that the Chief Finance Officer report to the meeting of the Cabinet on 18 February 2025 on the implications for 2025/2026 as a result of these proposals currently being considered and the consultation results, in light of the final settlement which is expected by early February 2025.
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