Issue - decisions

Highways Structural Maintenance Capital Allocation 2024/25

18/07/2024 - Highways Structural Maintenance Capital Allocation 2024/25

That approval is given to progress the Highways Structural Maintenance Capital Allocation with a revised value of £1,991.8kfor 2024/25 to be delivered with the following priorities and estimated budget split:


Defect repairs and minor works - £555k

Bridges and Structures - £70k

Preventative Carriageway Maintenance - £215k

Preparation works for preventative Maintenance - £75k.

Street Lighting Column replacement - £135k

Footway upgrades - £55k

A380 French Drain Maintenance - £118k

Carriageway reconstruction/resurfacing - £718.8k

Contingencies - £50k


The funding assumes receipt of the indicative structural maintenance block funding, including the pothole funding, incentive funding and additional pothole funding as published by the DfT in December 2023.


It should be noted that should any further additional structural maintenance funding be identified, then this will be used to support the above programme using the criteria set out in the Highways Asset Management Strategy.