Issue - decisions

Disposal of development site at Preston Down Road, Paignton

12/07/2024 - Disposal of development site at Preston Down Road, Paignton

1.    That Recommendations 3.1 and 3.2 of the decision made by Cabinet on the 21 March 2023 (Minute 458/03/23 refers) be rescinded and that the following be approved in replacement:


1.1    That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to determine an effective disposal strategy which enables the sale of the Preston Down Road; with an objective to secure a disposal which will result in delivery of 30% affordable housing and maximise the sales receipt in a timely manner.


1.2    On determination of 1.1 above, the Chief Executive be given delegated authority, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for place Development and Economic Growth, to dispose of Preston Down Road.


1.3    That the surplus received on the capital receipt from Preston Down Road be ringfenced for the delivery of affordable (including social) housing in Torbay, with a minimum of 50% being ringfenced for delivery of affordable (including social) housing in Paignton.


2.    Additionally if required:


2.1  No later than 12 months prior to the expiration of the planning consent for the site, the Director of Pride in Place to bring forward a capital proposal to undertake the minimum works necessary to discharge relevant planning conditions, make a technical start on site and make the planning consent extant, in consultation with the Section 151 Officer, and Cabinet Member for Housing & Finance.