Issue - decisions

Torbay Resident Discount Scheme Launch Approval

12/07/2024 - Torbay Resident Discount Scheme Launch Approval

1.      That the delivery of the Torbay Resident Discount Scheme as outlined in the submitted report be approved for launch in September 2024.


2.      That the Director of Pride in Place seeks to keep the operational budget of the scheme within the £200,000 allocated within the Council’s 2024/2025 budget, and within any budget set for the scheme in future years.


3.      That the Director of Pride in Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Pride in Place and Parking, and Director of Finance, be given delegated authority be given to approve future changes to the scheme.


4.      That the Director of Pride in Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Pride in Place and Parking, and Director of Finance, be given delegated authority to offer residents on low incomes a reduction on the entry cost of the scheme, in the event the Director is not satisfied that the scheme will achieve a neutral or positive impact on financial equality for those on low income solely through the provision of leisure and retail offers intended to target these groups.


5.      That the Director of Pride in Place be given delegated authority to award the contract(s) in respect of the services of external suppliers for the printing and posting of promotional materials, and resident cards and permits for use in the scheme.