Committee attendance
Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board, 45 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Darling 2
Councillor David Thomas 5
Councillor Swithin Long 8
Councillor Chris Lewis 1
Councillor Cecilia Brown 1
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 7
Councillor John Dudley 2
Councillor Hazel Foster 6
Councillor Robert Loxton 3
Councillor Cat Johns 16
Councillor Martin Brook 3
Councillor Adam Billings 2
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 7
Councillor Kelly Harvey 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 1
Councillor John Fellows 3
Councillor Hayley Tranter 5
Councillor Patrick Joyce 8
Councillor Katya Maddison 2
Councillor Jackie Stockman 2
Councillor Jane Barnby 0
Councillor Barbara Lewis 1
Councillor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 7
Councillor James O'Dwyer 3
Councillor Anne Brooks 2
Cabinet, 112 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 16
Councillor Ian Doggett 8
Councillor Steve Darling 61
Councillor Vic Ellery 7
Councillor David Thomas 66
Councillor Swithin Long 69
Councillor John Thomas 1
Councillor Chris Lewis 67
Councillor Mike Morey 56
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 5
Councillor Andrew Barrand 32
Councillor Cecilia Brown 18
Councillor Darren Cowell 61
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 45
Councillor John Dudley 1
Councillor Hazel Foster 38
Councillor Lee Howgate 2
Councillor Karen Kennedy 21
Councillor Cordelia Law 57
Councillor Robert Loxton 33
Councillor Judith Mills 18
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 37
Councillor Cat Johns 12
Councillor Martin Brook 8
Councillor Adam Billings 18
Councillor Mark Spacagna 9
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 12
Councillor Kelly Harvey 3
Councillor Ras Virdee 2
Councillor Steve Bryant 2
Councillor Nigel Penny 6
Councillor Mike Fox 3
Councillor Hannah Stevens 12
Councillor John Fellows 2
Councillor Hayley Tranter 16
Councillor Patrick Joyce 3
Councillor Katya Maddison 11
Councillor Jackie Stockman 43
Councillor Jane Barnby 23
Councillor Alan Tyerman 18
Councillor Ray Hill 10
Councillor Christine Carter 57
Councillor Barbara Lewis 30
Councillor Terry Manning 13
Councillor Nick Bye 56
Councillor Mandy Darling 16
Councillor Anna Tolchard 6
Councillor James O'Dwyer 1
Councillor Anne Brooks 37
Councillor Nick Pentney 1
Children and Young People's Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board, 39 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Darling 1
Councillor David Thomas 7
Councillor Chris Lewis 3
Councillor Mike Morey 1
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 4
Councillor Andrew Barrand 1
Councillor Cecilia Brown 2
Councillor Darren Cowell 1
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 13
Councillor John Dudley 2
Councillor Hazel Foster 5
Councillor Lee Howgate 1
Councillor Karen Kennedy 1
Councillor Cordelia Law 19
Councillor Robert Loxton 11
Councillor Judith Mills 7
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 4
Councillor Adam Billings 1
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 6
Councillor Ras Virdee 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 0
Councillor Yannis Nicolaou 7
Councillor John Fellows 7
Councillor Patrick Joyce 1
Councillor Katya Maddison 0
Councillor Jackie Stockman 1
Councillor Jane Barnby 11
Councillor Alan Tyerman 1
Councillor Christine Carter 1
Councillor Barbara Lewis 2
Councillor Nick Bye 23
Councillor Mandy Darling 7
Councillor Anna Tolchard 6
Councillor Lynn Sykes 1
Councillor Anne Brooks 2
Constitution Working Party, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Steve Darling 3
Councillor Vic Ellery 6
Councillor David Thomas 5
Councillor Cindy Stocks 1
Councillor Derek Mills 0
Councillor Mike Morey 2
Councillor Alan Tyerman 5
Councillor Mark Kingscote 2
Councillor Ray Hill 7
Councillor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 6
Councillor Adrian Sanders 2
Council, 240 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 30
Councillor Nicole Amil 131
Councillor Dave Butt 23
Councillor Andrew Baldrey 32
Councillor Christine Carter 1
Councillor Neil Bent 69
Councillor Colin Charlwood 1
Councillor Roger Carter 1
Councillor Ian Doggett 97
Councillor Steve Darling 128
Councillor Vic Ellery 111
Councillor Jenny Faulkner 33
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 80
Councillor Julien Parrott 83
Councillor Ruth Pentney 34
Councillor Matthew Phillips 1
Councillor David Thomas 126
Councillor Swithin Long 65
Councillor Jeanette Richards 24
Councillor John Thomas 98
Councillor Anna Tolchard2 0
Councillor Christine Scouler 28
Councillor Cindy Stocks 76
Councillor Roger Stringer 43
Mayor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Martyn Hodge 1
Councillor Robert Horne 1
Councillor Michael Hytche 29
Councillor Robert Excell 87
Councillor Alan Faulkner 28
Councillor Chris Lewis 130
Councillor Terry Manning 1
Councillor Beryl McPhail 32
Councillor Derek Mills 78
Councillor Mike Morey 117
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 41
Councillor Andrew Barrand 32
Councillor Cecilia Brown 32
Councillor Darren Cowell 48
Councillor Jack Dart 22
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 46
Councillor John Dudley 33
Councillor Hazel Foster 37
Councillor Rick Heyse 1
Councillor Lee Howgate 24
Councillor John Kavanagh 32
Councillor Karen Kennedy 31
Councillor Cordelia Law 43
Councillor Robert Loxton 33
Councillor Judith Mills 32
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 45
Councillor Cat Johns 24
Councillor Martin Brook 13
Councillor Adam Billings 14
Councillor Mark Spacagna 14
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 13
Councillor George Darling 12
Councillor Kelly Harvey 12
Councillor Ras Virdee 12
Councillor Steve Bryant 13
Councillor Nigel Penny 13
Councillor Yannis Nicolaou 10
Councillor Mike Fox 12
Councillor Jason Hutchings 13
Councillor Hannah Stevens 12
Councillor Andrew Strang 14
Councillor John Fellows 14
Councillor Hayley Tranter 14
Councillor Patrick Joyce 6
Councillor Katya Maddison 12
Councillor Jackie Stockman 112
Councillor Ken Pritchard 32
Councillor Jane Barnby 99
Councillor Alan Tyerman 97
Councillor Stephen Brooksbank 33
Councillor Bobbie Davies 34
Councillor Alison Hernandez 27
Councillor Mark Kingscote 76
Councillor Ray Hill 115
Councillor Matthew James 30
Councillor Darren Cowell 32
Councillor Mark Pountney 30
Councillor Christine Carter 90
Councillor Barbara Lewis 92
Councillor Andy Lang 7
Councillor Terry Manning 64
Councillor Nick Bye 95
Councillor Dave Morris 24
Councillor Di Stubley 45
Councillor Mandy Darling 92
Councillor Chris Robson 50
Councillor Thomas Winfield 30
Councillor Anna Tolchard 61
Councillor Lynn Sykes 72
Councillor Mark King 36
Councillor James O'Dwyer 69
Councillor Richard Haddock 49
Councillor Anne Brooks 86
Councillor Adrian Sanders 37
Councillor Nick Pentney 66
Development Management Committee (Note - this committee was replaced by the Planning Committee from 6/5/19), 122 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 52
Councillor Nicole Amil 16
Councillor Dave Butt 5
Councillor Andrew Baldrey 43
Councillor Neil Bent 3
Councillor Colin Charlwood 2
Councillor Roger Carter 4
Councillor Ian Doggett 17
Councillor Steve Darling 15
Councillor Vic Ellery 15
Councillor Julien Parrott 1
Councillor Ruth Pentney 53
Councillor David Thomas 25
Councillor Jeanette Richards 12
Councillor John Thomas 5
Councillor Christine Scouler 3
Councillor Roger Stringer 19
Councillor Michael Hytche 18
Councillor Robert Excell 7
Councillor Alan Faulkner 3
Councillor Chris Lewis 21
Councillor Terry Manning 3
Councillor Beryl McPhail 51
Councillor Derek Mills 4
Councillor Mike Morey 91
Councillor Jackie Stockman 30
Councillor Ken Pritchard 1
Councillor Jane Barnby 78
Councillor Alan Tyerman 12
Councillor Stephen Brooksbank 35
Councillor Bobbie Davies 7
Councillor Alison Hernandez 5
Councillor Mark Kingscote 89
Councillor Ray Hill 40
Councillor Matthew James 4
Councillor Mark Pountney 9
Councillor Barbara Lewis 31
Councillor Terry Manning 14
Councillor Nick Bye 5
Councillor Di Stubley 6
Councillor Mandy Darling 2
Councillor Chris Robson 24
Councillor Thomas Winfield 33
Councillor Anna Tolchard 33
Councillor Lynn Sykes 2
Councillor Mark King 8
Councillor James O'Dwyer 1
Councillor Richard Haddock 1
Councillor Anne Brooks 17
Councillor Nick Pentney 25
Overview and Scrutiny Board, 325 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 19
Councillor Nicole Amil 18
Councillor Dave Butt 8
Councillor Andrew Baldrey 4
Councillor Neil Bent 79
Councillor Ian Doggett 31
Councillor Steve Darling 103
Councillor Vic Ellery 39
Councillor Jenny Faulkner 2
Councillor Julien Parrott 58
Councillor Ruth Pentney 39
Councillor Swithin Long 50
Councillor Jeanette Richards 3
Councillor Christine Scouler 5
Councillor Cindy Stocks 40
Councillor Roger Stringer 5
Councillor Michael Hytche 21
Councillor Alan Faulkner 2
Councillor Chris Lewis 106
Councillor Beryl McPhail 11
Councillor Derek Mills 26
Councillor Mike Morey 61
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 17
Councillor Andrew Barrand 32
Councillor Cecilia Brown 34
Councillor Darren Cowell 44
Councillor Jack Dart 1
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 39
Councillor John Dudley 8
Councillor Hazel Foster 34
Councillor Rick Heyse 1
Councillor Lee Howgate 17
Councillor John Kavanagh 1
Councillor Karen Kennedy 29
Councillor Cordelia Law 22
Councillor Robert Loxton 36
Councillor Judith Mills 13
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 19
Councillor Cat Johns 14
Councillor Martin Brook 9
Councillor Adam Billings 8
Councillor Mark Spacagna 6
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 13
Councillor George Darling 2
Councillor Kelly Harvey 7
Councillor Ras Virdee 2
Councillor Steve Bryant 2
Councillor Nigel Penny 2
Councillor Mike Fox 8
Councillor Jason Hutchings 5
Councillor Andrew Strang 6
Councillor John Fellows 12
Councillor Hayley Tranter 7
Councillor Patrick Joyce 7
Councillor Katya Maddison 12
Councillor Jackie Stockman 81
Councillor Ken Pritchard 13
Councillor Jane Barnby 66
Councillor Alan Tyerman 66
Councillor Stephen Brooksbank 5
Councillor Alison Hernandez 7
Councillor Mark Kingscote 43
Councillor Ray Hill 24
Councillor Matthew James 16
Councillor Darren Cowell 33
Councillor Mark Pountney 34
Councillor Christine Carter 13
Councillor Barbara Lewis 33
Councillor Andy Lang 2
Councillor Terry Manning 5
Councillor Nick Bye 87
Councillor Dave Morris 4
Councillor Di Stubley 6
Councillor Mandy Darling 32
Councillor Chris Robson 11
Councillor Anna Tolchard 38
Councillor Lynn Sykes 13
Councillor Mark King 17
Councillor James O'Dwyer 4
Councillor Anne Brooks 42
Councillor Adrian Sanders 2
Councillor Nick Pentney 5
Overview and Scrutiny Task-and-Finish Group, 14 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 0
Councillor Neil Bent 0
Councillor Ian Doggett 4
Councillor Steve Darling 0
Councillor Vic Ellery 1
Councillor Julien Parrott 0
Councillor David Thomas 1
Councillor Swithin Long 2
Councillor Cindy Stocks 1
Councillor Roger Stringer 0
Councillor Robert Excell 0
Councillor Chris Lewis 2
Councillor Mike Morey 2
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 2
Councillor Andrew Barrand 5
Councillor Cecilia Brown 11
Councillor Darren Cowell 1
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 6
Councillor Hazel Foster 11
Councillor Rick Heyse 0
Councillor Lee Howgate 10
Councillor Karen Kennedy 8
Councillor Cordelia Law 3
Councillor Robert Loxton 8
Councillor Judith Mills 7
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 1
Councillor Jackie Stockman 5
Councillor Jane Barnby 5
Councillor Alan Tyerman 0
Councillor Ray Hill 1
Councillor Christine Carter 1
Councillor Barbara Lewis 2
Councillor Terry Manning 1
Councillor Nick Bye 11
Councillor Di Stubley 0
Councillor Mandy Darling 8
Councillor Chris Robson 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 0
Councillor Lynn Sykes 0
Councillor Mark King 0
Councillor James O'Dwyer 1
Councillor Richard Haddock 0
Councillor Anne Brooks 9
Councillor Adrian Sanders 0
Councillor Nick Pentney 0
Planning Committee, 96 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 7
Councillor Ian Doggett 5
Councillor Steve Darling 7
Councillor Vic Ellery 2
Councillor David Thomas 30
Councillor Swithin Long 8
Councillor John Thomas 3
Councillor Chris Lewis 33
Councillor Mike Morey 13
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 1
Councillor Andrew Barrand 15
Councillor Cecilia Brown 37
Councillor Darren Cowell 3
Councillor Jack Dart 29
Councillor John Dudley 46
Councillor Hazel Foster 8
Councillor John Kavanagh 2
Councillor Karen Kennedy 32
Councillor Cordelia Law 2
Councillor Robert Loxton 13
Councillor Judith Mills 22
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 51
Councillor Martin Brook 7
Councillor Adam Billings 13
Councillor Mark Spacagna 1
Councillor Ras Virdee 7
Councillor Nigel Penny 1
Councillor Mike Fox 13
Councillor Jason Hutchings 1
Councillor Hannah Stevens 2
Councillor Andrew Strang 5
Councillor John Fellows 1
Councillor Patrick Joyce 6
Councillor Katya Maddison 11
Councillor Jackie Stockman 5
Councillor Jane Barnby 7
Councillor Alan Tyerman 2
Councillor Ray Hill 39
Councillor Christine Carter 2
Councillor Barbara Lewis 44
Councillor Terry Manning 27
Councillor Nick Bye 14
Councillor Mandy Darling 11
Councillor Anna Tolchard 11
Councillor Lynn Sykes 2
Councillor James O'Dwyer 1
Councillor Anne Brooks 30
Councillor Nick Pentney 53
Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Commissioning Team), 19 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 11
Councillor Neil Bent 3
Councillor Ian Doggett 1
Councillor Steve Darling 6
Councillor Vic Ellery 10
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 15
Councillor Julien Parrott 16
Councillor David Thomas 6
Councillor Swithin Long 1
Councillor Cindy Stocks 5
Councillor Roger Stringer 1
Councillor Robert Excell 16
Councillor Chris Lewis 6
Councillor Derek Mills 15
Councillor Mike Morey 9
Councillor Jackie Stockman 7
Councillor Jane Barnby 5
Councillor Alan Tyerman 5
Councillor Barbara Lewis 1
Councillor Terry Manning 4
Councillor Nick Bye 6
Councillor Di Stubley 6
Councillor Chris Robson 2
Councillor Anna Tolchard 4
Councillor Lynn Sykes 1
Councillor Mark King 8
Councillor James O'Dwyer 2
Councillor Richard Haddock 16
Councillor Anne Brooks 10
Policy Development and Decision Group (Joint Operations Team), 20 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 11
Councillor Neil Bent 3
Councillor Ian Doggett 4
Councillor Steve Darling 12
Councillor Vic Ellery 15
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 18
Councillor Julien Parrott 16
Councillor David Thomas 12
Councillor Swithin Long 1
Councillor John Thomas 0
Councillor Cindy Stocks 5
Councillor Robert Excell 19
Councillor Chris Lewis 11
Councillor Derek Mills 13
Councillor Mike Morey 16
Councillor Jackie Stockman 7
Councillor Jane Barnby 6
Councillor Alan Tyerman 13
Councillor Ray Hill 1
Councillor Terry Manning 5
Councillor Nick Bye 8
Councillor Di Stubley 4
Councillor Chris Robson 5
Councillor Anna Tolchard 6
Councillor Mark King 13
Councillor James O'Dwyer 3
Councillor Richard Haddock 18
Councillor Anne Brooks 11
Priorities and Resources 2016/2017 Review Panel, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 1
Councillor Neil Bent 5
Councillor Ian Doggett 1
Councillor Steve Darling 4
Councillor Vic Ellery 2
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 4
Councillor Julien Parrott 2
Councillor David Thomas 2
Councillor Cindy Stocks 5
Councillor Robert Excell 2
Councillor Chris Lewis 5
Councillor Derek Mills 3
Councillor Mike Morey 3
Councillor Jackie Stockman 5
Councillor Jane Barnby 5
Councillor Alan Tyerman 5
Councillor Andy Lang 1
Councillor Nick Bye 5
Councillor Dave Morris 2
Councillor Anna Tolchard 3
Councillor Mark King 1
Councillor Richard Haddock 3
Councillor Anne Brooks 2
Priorities and Resources Review Panel 2017/18, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 0
Councillor Neil Bent 5
Councillor Ian Doggett 6
Councillor Steve Darling 6
Councillor Vic Ellery 0
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 7
Councillor Julien Parrott 1
Councillor David Thomas 3
Councillor Cindy Stocks 5
Councillor Roger Stringer 2
Councillor Robert Excell 4
Councillor Chris Lewis 8
Councillor Derek Mills 0
Councillor Mike Morey 5
Councillor Jackie Stockman 8
Councillor Jane Barnby 8
Councillor Alan Tyerman 6
Councillor Terry Manning 2
Councillor Nick Bye 8
Councillor Chris Robson 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 7
Councillor Mark King 5
Councillor Richard Haddock 5
Councillor Anne Brooks 4
Priorities and Resources Review Panel 2018/19, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Neil Bent 3
Councillor Steve Darling 3
Councillor Vic Ellery 2
Elected Mayor, Gordon Oliver 2
Councillor Julien Parrott 2
Councillor David Thomas 3
Councillor Cindy Stocks 3
Councillor Robert Excell 3
Councillor Chris Lewis 4
Councillor Derek Mills 2
Councillor Mike Morey 4
Councillor Jackie Stockman 4
Councillor Jane Barnby 2
Councillor Alan Tyerman 3
Councillor Nick Bye 2
Councillor Di Stubley 2
Councillor Chris Robson 2
Councillor Anna Tolchard 4
Councillor Mark King 1
Councillor Richard Haddock 4
Priorities and Resources Review Panel 2024/25, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 1
Councillor Steve Darling 3
Councillor David Thomas 2
Councillor Swithin Long 3
Councillor Chris Lewis 2
Councillor Darren Cowell 3
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 2
Councillor Cordelia Law 3
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 2
Councillor Cat Johns 1
Councillor Martin Brook 1
Councillor Adam Billings 2
Councillor Mark Spacagna 1
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 3
Councillor George Darling 1
Councillor Kelly Harvey 1
Councillor Ras Virdee 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 2
Councillor Nigel Penny 3
Councillor Hannah Stevens 1
Councillor Andrew Strang 3
Councillor John Fellows 3
Councillor Hayley Tranter 1
Councillor Patrick Joyce 3
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Alan Tyerman 2
Councillor Christine Carter 2
Councillor Barbara Lewis 1
Councillor Nick Bye 2
Councillor Mandy Darling 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 2
Standards Committee, 47 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 6
Councillor Nicole Amil 2
Councillor Neil Bent 1
Councillor Ian Doggett 7
Councillor Julien Parrott 1
Councillor David Thomas 2
Councillor John Thomas 4
Councillor Cindy Stocks 7
Councillor Roger Stringer 0
Councillor Chris Lewis 2
Councillor Beryl McPhail 3
Councillor Derek Mills 0
Councillor Mike Morey 7
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 1
Councillor Jack Dart 1
Councillor Robert Loxton 1
Councillor Judith Mills 2
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 1
Councillor George Darling 0
Councillor Jane Barnby 0
Councillor Bobbie Davies 1
Councillor Alison Hernandez 3
Councillor Barbara Lewis 1
Councillor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Mandy Darling 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 0
Councillor James O'Dwyer 2
Councillor Richard Haddock 2
Councillor Anne Brooks 2
Councillor Adrian Sanders 0
Statutory Licensing Committee, 65 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 11
Councillor Nicole Amil 14
Councillor Dave Butt 3
Councillor Neil Bent 8
Councillor Ian Doggett 23
Councillor Steve Darling 1
Councillor Vic Ellery 20
Councillor Julien Parrott 14
Councillor Ruth Pentney 9
Councillor David Thomas 5
Councillor John Thomas 9
Councillor Christine Scouler 0
Councillor Cindy Stocks 16
Councillor Roger Stringer 1
Councillor Robert Horne 0
Councillor Michael Hytche 8
Councillor Robert Excell 3
Councillor Alan Faulkner 6
Councillor Chris Lewis 4
Councillor Terry Manning 1
Councillor Derek Mills 2
Councillor Mike Morey 0
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 8
Councillor Cecilia Brown 2
Councillor Darren Cowell 0
Councillor Jack Dart 6
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 3
Councillor Hazel Foster 7
Councillor John Kavanagh 6
Councillor Karen Kennedy 3
Councillor Robert Loxton 1
Councillor Judith Mills 4
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 1
Councillor Cat Johns 1
Councillor Martin Brook 0
Councillor Ras Virdee 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 0
Councillor Jason Hutchings 1
Councillor Hannah Stevens 0
Councillor Patrick Joyce 1
Councillor Jane Barnby 8
Councillor Alan Tyerman 1
Councillor Stephen Brooksbank 10
Councillor Alison Hernandez 1
Councillor Matthew James 3
Councillor Darren Cowell 1
Councillor Barbara Lewis 16
Councillor Andy Lang 0
Councillor Terry Manning 3
Councillor Dave Morris 1
Councillor Di Stubley 8
Councillor Mandy Darling 5
Councillor Thomas Winfield 0
Councillor Anna Tolchard 9
Councillor Lynn Sykes 14
Councillor Mark King 5
Councillor Anne Brooks 8
Councillor Nick Pentney 5
Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee, 485 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Pete Addis 60
Councillor Nicole Amil 1
Councillor Dave Butt 6
Councillor Neil Bent 21
Councillor Ian Doggett 45
Councillor Vic Ellery 84
Councillor Julien Parrott 14
Councillor Ruth Pentney 16
Councillor David Thomas 17
Councillor Swithin Long 2
Councillor Jeanette Richards 1
Councillor John Thomas 31
Councillor Christine Scouler 1
Councillor Cindy Stocks 32
Councillor Roger Stringer 0
Councillor Michael Hytche 4
Councillor Robert Excell 2
Councillor Alan Faulkner 7
Councillor Chris Lewis 7
Councillor Terry Manning 1
Councillor Derek Mills 2
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 9
Councillor Jack Dart 6
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 21
Councillor Hazel Foster 14
Councillor John Kavanagh 11
Councillor Karen Kennedy 8
Councillor Judith Mills 12
Councillor Cat Johns 6
Councillor Martin Brook 1
Councillor Ras Virdee 5
Councillor Hannah Stevens 1
Councillor Patrick Joyce 4
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Jane Barnby 11
Councillor Alan Tyerman 0
Councillor Stephen Brooksbank 21
Councillor Alison Hernandez 0
Councillor Matthew James 6
Councillor Darren Cowell 0
Councillor Mark Pountney 0
Councillor Barbara Lewis 41
Councillor Andy Lang 1
Councillor Terry Manning 9
Councillor Di Stubley 6
Councillor Mandy Darling 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 17
Councillor Lynn Sykes 16
Councillor Mark King 3
Councillor Anne Brooks 10
Councillor Nick Pentney 11
Transport and Parking Working Party, 9 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 11
Councillor Ian Doggett 1
Councillor Steve Darling 4
Councillor Vic Ellery 0
Councillor David Thomas 7
Councillor Swithin Long 10
Councillor Chris Lewis 11
Councillor Mike Morey 10
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 3
Councillor Andrew Barrand 6
Councillor Cecilia Brown 5
Councillor Darren Cowell 5
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 7
Councillor Hazel Foster 4
Councillor Karen Kennedy 2
Councillor Cordelia Law 3
Councillor Robert Loxton 7
Councillor Judith Mills 8
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 10
Councillor Cat Johns 2
Councillor Martin Brook 1
Councillor Adam Billings 3
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 1
Councillor George Darling 1
Councillor Ras Virdee 2
Councillor Steve Bryant 0
Councillor Nigel Penny 1
Councillor Mike Fox 2
Councillor Jason Hutchings 3
Councillor Hannah Stevens 1
Councillor Andrew Strang 3
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Jane Barnby 7
Councillor Ray Hill 9
Councillor Christine Carter 8
Councillor Barbara Lewis 6
Councillor Nick Bye 11
Councillor Mandy Darling 2
Councillor Anna Tolchard 1
Councillor James O'Dwyer 7
Councillor Anne Brooks 10