Committee attendance
Cabinet, 7 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 3
Councillor David Thomas 7
Councillor Swithin Long 7
Councillor Chris Lewis 6
Councillor Darren Cowell 4
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 3
Councillor Hazel Foster 3
Councillor Cordelia Law 3
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 7
Councillor Cat Johns 4
Councillor Martin Brook 1
Councillor Adam Billings 7
Councillor Mark Spacagna 5
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 2
Councillor George Darling 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 1
Councillor Nigel Penny 1
Councillor Mike Fox 1
Councillor Hannah Stevens 2
Councillor John Fellows 1
Councillor Hayley Tranter 4
Councillor Katya Maddison 3
Councillor Alan Tyerman 7
Councillor Christine Carter 2
Councillor Barbara Lewis 2
Councillor Nick Bye 6
Councillor Anna Tolchard 2
Council, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 3
Councillor Steve Darling 3
Councillor David Thomas 3
Councillor Swithin Long 3
Councillor Chris Lewis 3
Councillor Jermaine Atiya-Alla 3
Councillor Darren Cowell 3
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 3
Councillor Hazel Foster 3
Councillor Cordelia Law 3
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 3
Councillor Cat Johns 3
Councillor Martin Brook 3
Councillor Adam Billings 3
Councillor Mark Spacagna 3
Councillor Yvonne Twelves 3
Councillor George Darling 3
Councillor Kelly Harvey 2
Councillor Ras Virdee 3
Councillor Steve Bryant 3
Councillor Nigel Penny 3
Councillor Yannis Nicolaou 3
Councillor Mike Fox 3
Councillor Jason Hutchings 3
Councillor Hannah Stevens 3
Councillor Andrew Strang 3
Councillor John Fellows 3
Councillor Hayley Tranter 3
Councillor Katya Maddison 3
Councillor Alan Tyerman 3
Councillor Christine Carter 3
Councillor Barbara Lewis 3
Councillor Nick Bye 3
Councillor Mandy Darling 3
Councillor Anna Tolchard 3
Councillor Nick Pentney 3
Overview and Scrutiny Board, 8 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Nicole Amil 2
Councillor David Thomas 5
Councillor Swithin Long 8
Councillor Chris Lewis 6
Councillor Darren Cowell 7
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 6
Councillor Hazel Foster 7
Councillor Cordelia Law 4
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 2
Councillor Cat Johns 7
Councillor Martin Brook 2
Councillor Adam Billings 3
Councillor Mark Spacagna 8
Councillor George Darling 1
Councillor Ras Virdee 1
Councillor Mike Fox 3
Councillor Jason Hutchings 5
Councillor John Fellows 7
Councillor Hayley Tranter 0
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Alan Tyerman 4
Councillor Barbara Lewis 4
Councillor Nick Bye 6
Councillor Mandy Darling 1
Councillor Anna Tolchard 8
Councillor Nick Pentney 1
Planning Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Swithin Long 1
Councillor Martin Brook 4
Councillor Adam Billings 4
Councillor Ras Virdee 3
Councillor Mike Fox 4
Councillor Andrew Strang 3
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Christine Carter 1
Councillor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Mandy Darling 3
Councillor Anna Tolchard 4
Councillor Nick Pentney 4
Priorities and Resources Review Panel 2025/26, 2 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor David Thomas 1
Councillor Swithin Long 2
Councillor Chris Lewis 1
Councillor Darren Cowell 2
Councillor Margaret Douglas-Dunbar 1
Councillor Hazel Foster 2
Councillor Cordelia Law 2
Councillor Jacqueline Thomas 1
Councillor Cat Johns 1
Councillor Adam Billings 1
Councillor Mark Spacagna 1
Councillor Steve Bryant 1
Councillor Jason Hutchings 0
Councillor John Fellows 1
Councillor Hayley Tranter 1
Councillor Katya Maddison 1
Councillor Alan Tyerman 1
Councillor Christine Carter 1
Councillor Nick Bye 1
Councillor Mandy Darling 0
Councillor Anna Tolchard 2