Agenda item

Implementation of 20 mph zones outside of schools on main traffic routes


The Working Party received an update from Ian Jones regarding the proposed implementation of 20 mph zones outside of schools on main traffic routes within Torbay and the proposed revised strategy. 


The views of Working Party were sought in respect of proposed change of Strategy in the progression and implementation of 20mph zones in Torbay and to the proposed extents of zones.


Members were invited to consider the following options:


·         Option 1 –to consider the information within this report and support the progression of 20mph zones to the six school sites, as supported by the Working Party in February 2023 as listed above and detailed on Appendices 1-6 to this report, with the inclusion of the proposed areas designated in red (School zone) and blue (potential expanded zone) on the plans, where included, in the priority order listed


·         Option 2 – As Option 1 but with the progression of areas designated in red (School Zone) only.


·         Option 3 – To not progress this revised strategy and revert to continuation of the Strategy agreed in May 2018.


The support of the Transport and Parking Working Party was sought for the following proposed outcome:


1.    That, following the implementation of the current schemes for the

Queensway area, Torquay and the Fisher Street Area, Paignton, the remaining locations, as detailed in the Strategy for the Implementation of 20mph Zones within Residential Areas, as supported by the Transport Working Party in May 2018 are not progressed further at the present time, and:


2.    That the six school locations listed in this report with the areas identified in Option 1 to this report were progressed as the basis of the next phase of implementation of residential 20mph zones in Torbay, in liaison with the Cabinet Lead for Pride in Place and Parking, and:


3.    That the additional school locations, identified in Appendix 2 to the February 2023 report to this Working Party are further developed, in liaison with Cabinet Lead for Pride in Place and Parking, as and when resources allow and reported to a future meeting of this Working Party.


The consensus at the end of the discussion was that the remaining Councillors in attendance supported the recommendation, however some amendments were requested to be made to the areas detailed on the plans in Appendices 1-6. 




That the Director of Pride in Place be advised that the Transport and Parking Working Party recommend the following:


1.    ‘Option 1’ is amended to reflect the views from the remaining members of the Working Party.


2.    The areas presented in Appendices 1-6 are to be amended where appropriate and progressed as the proposed 20mph zones, the details to be as follows:


·         Appendix 1 – Hayes School (Totnes Road) – Area shown in red on plan supported but with the addition of the length of St Michaels Road from Hayes Road to Fisher Street, but not including any further connecting roads.


·         Appendix 2 – Cockington School (Avenue Road & Mill Lane areas) – Area shown in red, supported.


·         Appendix 3 – Sacred Heart School (Cecil Road Area) – Area shown in red supported but with the addition of an extension of Cecil Road into Colley End Road to a suitable location west of the junction with Well Street. The area shown in blue to be omitted and not progressed.


·         Appendix 4 – Barton Academy (Barton Hill Road) – Area shown in red supported but with the addition of extension to Barton Hill Road, up to a suitable location, north of junction with Ashleigh Close and south of junction with Issacs Road.


·         Appendix 5 – Torquay Academy (Barton Road and Cricketfield Road areas) – Area shown in red supported.


·         Appendix 6 – St Cuthbert Mayne (Teignmouth Road and Westhill Road areas) – Area shown in red supported but with the addition of an extension of the length of Teignmouth Road to a suitable location approximately 100m north of the junction with Trumlands Road and including the additional section of Trumlands road shaded in blue. The remaining area indicated in blue on the plan, to be omitted and not progressed.


Supporting documents: