NHS Delivery - Building a Brighter Future Programme Update
- Meeting of Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board, Thursday, 14 September 2023 2.00 pm (Item 9.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 9.
To receive a verbal update on delivery of the capital programme and re-design of the hospital together with an update on delivery of the new community diagnostic centre.
(Note: presented by the Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Transformation and Partnerships and the Building a Brighter Future Programme Director, Torbay and South Devon NHS Trust).
The Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Transformation and Partnerships
together with the Building a Brighter Future Programme Director, South Devon NHS Foundation Trust provided Members with an update and presentation on the delivery of the capital programme and re-design of Torbay Hospital together with an update on delivery of the new community diagnostic centre in Torquay.
Members were informed that 40 hospitals would benefit from the £20 billion investment in the new hospitals programme which included Torbay. The focus at present was on site enabling and it was confirmed that other site developments taking place included a new radiotherapy building; new endoscopy unit and new theatres.
In addition, Members were informed that the new community diagnostic centre would have a significant impact on the ability of the Trust to reduce waiting times for such areas as point of care testing, ultrasound, scans and other tests.
Members received responses to the following questions:
· Would a standardised supply chain limit opportunities for local suppliers to become involved?
· Would the new electronic patient records system improve the time taken to forward patient records to GP’s?
· How long would it take to work through the business case for the site enabling plans?
· Would 150 more hospital beds be delivered?
· What does “de-conditioning” mean?
· By the end of 2026 would the programme be short of secure funds?
· Was the proposed opening of the new community diagnostic centre in 2024 feasible?
· Given the new mobile breast screening unit, had the old unit been decommissioned?
· Would the temporary endoscopy unit be retained once the main unit was built?
· Would lead in times for cancer diagnosis be reduced?
· How could communication with the public and communities be improved so that they understood what was happening?
· Would pressure on GP’s be relieved?
· How long were the current delays in respect of GP’s receiving patient records following patient discharge from hospital?
· Would the functionality of the electronic patient records system enable patients to book into the community diagnostic centre rather than going through the hospital call centre?
· Had the increase in work been mapped in terms of workforce development and had schools and colleges, for example, been approached and informed of plans so that they could work towards a clear training path?
· Had Torbay Hospital been considered potentially as a teaching hospital?
In accordance with Standing Order B4.1 Councillor Steve Darling addressed the Sub-Board and asked the following questions:
· When would treatment of the first patient on site happen?
· Had there been any slippage in delivery of the business case?
· How would Nightingale Park contribute to achieving Net Zero as a whole?
· What reassurances could be given that hospital staff would not be poached to work at the diagnostic centre?
· What reassurances could be given that hospital funding would be protected and not used against the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) crisis affecting many schools across the United Kingdom?
· Was the diagnostic provider a not-for-profit company?
· What targets were there in place in terms of plans to support care experienced youngsters into work?
In accordance with Standing Order B4.1 Councillor David Thomas addressed the Sub- Board and thanked the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Transformation and Partnerships together with the Building a Brighter Future Programme Director for their update. He recognised that the huge investment was good news and presented a fantastic opportunity for Torbay.
Resolved (unanimously):
That the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Board
notes the update provided by South Devon NHS Foundation Trust in relation
to the delivery of the capital programme and re-design of the hospital together
with the update on the delivery of the new community diagnostic centre and
recommends that:
1. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be requested to provide details of potential new opening dates for the diagnostic centre together with time frames for transfer from the temporary diagnostic centre at Newton Abbot Hospital over to the new premises at Market Street in Torquay;
2. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be requested to provide an update on the performance of the diagnostic centre within the next 12 months;
3. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be requested to provide information regarding the follow up of diagnostic targets versus actual targets within the next 12 months;
4. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be requested to provide an update around modelling to reduce lead in times for cancer diagnosis;
5. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be requested to provide average statistical information as to the current delay between patient discharge from hospital and notification of discharge to the patient’s GP (which can affect the timely prescription of ongoing medication);
6. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be encouraged to further engage with local communities and Ward Councillors to publicise information concerning re-structuring of Torbay Hospital and any difficulties which may arise as a result of re-development works within the area;
7. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be encouraged to raise awareness of Torbay community and healthcare job opportunities through engagement with local communities, including the voluntary sector and care experienced people;
8. South Devon NHS Foundation Trust be encouraged to expand the range of contractors who may tender for contracts to include smaller firms and local suppliers within Torbay; and
9. the Adult Social Care and Health Overview and Scrutiny Board Chairman writes to the Health and Social Care Minister seeking reassurance that the NHS re-building budget for hospital funding will be protected and not diverted towards the Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) crisis affecting many schools across the United Kingdom.
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