Action Tracker/Matters arising from the last meeting
Cllr NB raised that he is still awaiting a response from the request for the Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO’s) for Wellswood and would like to know which TRO is referred to a year ago? There are still actions outstanding and would like updates as to what is going on with these especially the request for barrier at Kilmorie Car Park. As residents in Meadfoot are keen to understand if the funding allocated for works to car parks can be allocated to this area for a barrier to be fitted. SH advised that the team have looked at all of the options and a report has been created for submission. The issue is that the income is very low in the car park and shows very low use. There are no facilities to open the barrier every day as there is still a shortage of officers within the Parking team. SH advised that if the members of the community wish for a barrier to be placed in, then would there be any members of the community who would be able to open the car park. Security team have advised that they can close it. Cllr MM asked that the options available are sent to Cllrs NB & JO’D for their attention. ACTION – SH
Cllr NB raised that there is no progress being made on this and the police are keen on resolving the issues at this area for ASB. Cllr NB advised that he has spoken to the security team who have advised that they are able to open and close the barrier. AD commented that he believes the next steps are to speak with members of the Wellswood community partnership to discuss this and then the proposal can be taken forward. Cllr NB advised that AD has been invited to attend the Wellswood community partnership meeting.
Cllr MM asked IJ to provide an update on the outstanding TRO for Wellswood. IJ advised that he believes that this is for Asheldon Road and this TRO is being taken forward. The order is waiting to be written and advertised by parking services team.
AD will chase the highways spend information being sent out to members. ACTION – AD
LS will request for officers to update the action tracker and then to send out updated action tracker with updates. ACTION – LS
Cllr CL asked for an update on the paper with regards to proposal for the issues with motor homes and camper vans parking as believed an update was coming to this meeting. IJ commented that it was agreed that a paper would be written but was not agreed to be for this meeting. Cllrs NB and CL both commented that they thought this paper was being taken to Cabinet meeting. Cllr NB advised that he has been speaking with a resident who has carried out some investigations into what Falmouth Council have carried out to resolve this issue and would like to know who to send this too. AD asked for this information to be sent to him. ACTION – Cllr NB
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