Agenda item

Funding Allocations for 2020/21


Rob Parr, Principal Accountant, shared with members the updated funding models for 2020/21 allocations, as requested at Octobers Schools Forum. Officers have used principles agreed by Schools Forum to model 4 options, with the aim of getting to the minimum pupil guarantees.


Members asked what the minimum per pupil amounts are, Rob explained that these figures are formula driven and are included in the individual tables modelled for each option.


As Forum have previously decided to agree to a virement of funds (from the Schools block to the Higher Needs block) the first model presented, based on no virement of funds, was not an option, therefore a decision on the three remaining options was then required.  Votes were as follows:


Option 1, assuming a minimum funding guarantee of 1.84% per pupil and a minimum per pupil amount of £3,750 for Primary and £5,000 for Secondary. AWPU remains at NFF values, all other units values have a 2.70% reduction from NFF levels:


2 votes


Option 2, assuming a minimum funding guarantee of 1.84% per pupil and a minimum per pupil amount of £3,750 for Primary and £5,000 for Secondary. All unit values have a 0.75% reduction from NFF values, apart from the lump sum which has a 0.20% reduction:


6 votes


Option 3, assuming a minimum funding guarantee of 1.84% per pupil and a minimum per pupil amount of £3,750 for Primary and £5,000 for Secondary. AWPU remains at NFF values, as does lump sum, all other unit values have had a 3.10% reduction from NFF levels:


0 votes


There were 4 abstentions.


Option 2 was approved by Forum.


Special Schools models were then shown to members, with Rob explaining that any increase to special schools budgets has to go through Pupil top up. 6 options were presented, with increments ranging from 2% up to 9.39%.


Mike Lock met with Special School heads on prior to this meeting, and circulated to Forum members a benchmarking report from EFSA, comparing Special Schools in Torbay with other schools of a similar type and highlighting the lack of funding when compared to neigbouring authorities.  It was agreed by all that Special Schools do require more funding, and that bringing funding more in line with that received by mainstream schools is fair for everyone.


Members asked whether the LA has a view on these, it was explained whilst it is recognised that Special Schools incur the same costs as Primary and Secondary and do require an upshift in funding to meet these, It has been indicated by the EFSA that  the £1.5m Higher Needs block be used against our deficit position. Preference would be for an increase of 4% (Option B), as this is in line the virement already agreed. Votes were as follows:


Option A, 2% increase from 19/20, 13.31% of £1.5m growth: 1 Vote

Option B, 4% increase from 19/20, 26.63% of £1.5m growth: 7 votes

Option C, 5% increase from 19/20, 33.28% of £1.5m growth: 4 votes.

There were no abstentions.



Option B was approved by Forum.


Debate then moved on to the Early Years Budget Allocation. It is expected that we will receive an additional £129k of funding into the Early Years Block. A full consultation will be undertaken with all providers within the Early Years sector on this. Before this begins, Members were asked to consider whether to continue to subsidise the ALFEY (Activity Led Funding in Early Years) budget from the Higher Needs block. In 2019/20 this equated to £100k. A vote was held as follows:


Does Schools Forum support the withdrawal of supplementing ALFEY funding from the Higher Needs block?


For: 0

Against: 12

Abstain: 0


Unanimous in favour of continuing to supplement Early Years funding.


Members recognised that early identification of these children through ALFEY mechanisms is essential, and that identifying children earlier in the system saves money in the long term. The LA will now begin a formal consultation with the Early Years sector on the budget allocation.

Supporting documents: