Appointments to Committees and Other Bodies for 2019
(a) To appoint committees and other bodies, agree their terms of reference and to review the allocation of seats to political groups in line with statutory requirements.
(b) To receive nominations from the group leaders of members to serve on those committees and other bodies.
(Note: outside bodies appointments will be made for a four year term from May 2019 to May 2023.)
The Council considered the submitted report on the appointment of committees and other bodies in light of the political balance of the Council.
Councillor Long proposed and Councillor Stockman seconded a motion, as set out below:
(i) That, the overall political balance of the committees as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved;
(ii) That, subject to 3.1 above being approved, the committees be appointed with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report;
(iii) That, subject to 3.2 and 3.3 above being approved, nominations be received to fill the seats on the committees;
(iv) That, in accordance with the Local Protocol for Working Parties, the overall political balance of working parties as set out in Appendix 2 be approved and the working parties be appointed with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 3;
(v) That, the outcome of the review and proposed appointments to the outside bodies and other groups for 2019 to 2023 set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report be approved;
(vi) That, a sub-committee of the Licensing Committee be established to comprise three members of the Licensing Committee;
(vii) That the terms of reference of the Licensing Sub-Committee be to consider and determine all matters in connection with the licensing applications (including those set out in the Statement of Licensing Policy and Gambling Act Policy/Statement of Principles); and
(viii) That the Licensing Sub-Committee be exempted from the rules of committee proportionality as defined in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and supporting regulations.
(ix) That the Director of Corporate Services be authorised to make the necessary amendments to the following Policy Framework documents in order to reflect the decisions made in 3.2-3.5 above:
· Investment and Regeneration Fund Strategy
· Housing Rental Company
· Corporate Asset Management Plan.
During the debate Councillor David Thomas proposed and Councillor Chris Lewis seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:
(i) That, the overall political balance of the committees as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved, subject to the Investment and Regeneration Committee being included within Appendix 1, with the Director of Corporate Services being given delegated authority to make any consequential adjustments to political balance;
(ii) That, subject to 3.1 above being approved, the committees be appointed with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report and with Investment and Regeneration Committees terms of reference to be included in identical terms to that approved by Council on 14 May 2018;
(iii) That, subject to 3.2 and 3.3 above being approved, nominations be received to fill the seats on the committees;
(iv) That, in accordance with the Local Protocol for Working Parties, the overall political balance of working parties as set out in Appendix 2 be approved and the working parties be appointed with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 3;
(v) That, the outcome of the review and proposed appointments to the outside bodies and other groups for 2019 to 2023 set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report be approved;
(vi) That, a sub-committee of the Licensing Committee be established to comprise three members of the Licensing Committee;
(vii) That the terms of reference of the Licensing Sub-Committee be to consider and determine all matters in connection with the licensing applications (including those set out in the Statement of Licensing Policy and Gambling Act Policy/Statement of Principles); and
(viii) That the Licensing Sub-Committee be exempted from the rules of committee proportionality as defined in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and supporting regulations.
(ix) That the Director of Corporate Services be authorised to make the necessary amendments to the following Policy Framework documents in order to reflect the decisions made in 3.2-3.5 above:
Investment and Regeneration Fund Strategy
· Housing Rental Company
· CorporateAsset Management Plan.
The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost.
Councillors Long and Stockman’s original motion was then considered by the Council which was agreed (unanimously), as set out below:
(i) That, the overall political balance of the committees as set out at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved;
(ii) That, subject to 3.1 above being approved, the committees be appointed with the terms of reference set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report;
(iii) That, subject to 3.2 and 3.3 above being approved, nominations be received to fill the seats on the committees;
(iv) That, in accordance with the Local Protocol for Working Parties, the overall political balance of working parties as set out in Appendix 2 be approved and the working parties be appointed with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 3;
(v) That, the outcome of the review and proposed appointments to the outside bodies and other groups for 2019 to 2023 set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report be approved;
(vi) That, a sub-committee of the Licensing Committee be established to comprise three members of the Licensing Committee;
(vii) That the terms of reference of the Licensing Sub-Committee be to consider and determine all matters in connection with the licensing applications (including those set out in the Statement of Licensing Policy and Gambling Act Policy/Statement of Principles); and
(viii) That the Licensing Sub-Committee be exempted from the rules of committee proportionality as defined in the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and supporting regulations.
(ix) That the Director of Corporate Services be authorised to make the necessary amendments to the following Policy Framework documents in order to reflect the decisions made in 3.2-3.5 above:
· Investment and Regeneration Fund Strategy
· Housing Rental Company
· Corporate Asset Management Plan.
Supporting documents:
- Review of Political Balance and Appointment to Committees and Other Bodies, item 11. PDF 184 KB
- Appendix 1 - Political Balance of Committees, item 11. PDF 13 KB
- Appendix 2 - Political Balance of Working Parties, item 11. PDF 11 KB
- Appendix 3 - Terms of Reference, item 11. PDF 211 KB
- Appendix 4 - Appointment to Outside Bodies, item 11. PDF 207 KB
- Revised Appendix 3 - Terms of Reference (With Nominations), item 11. PDF 219 KB
- Conservative Amendment Appointments to Committees and Other Bodies for 2019, item 11. PDF 27 KB
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