Agenda item

Call-in of Elected Mayor's Decision on Future of Oldway Mansion

To consider any recommendations from the Overview and Scrutiny Board in connection with their call-in of the elected Mayor’s decision taken on 11 June 2018 in respect of the Future of Oldway Mansion.


At its meeting held on 13 June 2018, the Overview and Scrutiny Board considered the Notice of Call-in of the Mayor’s decision part (iii) to commence market testing to determine whether there is interest in securing the freehold or long leasehold disposal of Oldway Mansion.  The Board resolved that, having listened to the advice of the Monitoring Officer, the Elected Mayor’s decision was contrary to the Policy Framework as it did not believe that it made best effect of the Council’s reducing resources (as set out the Corporate Plan).  In accordance with Standing Order D10.3 the matter was referred to the Council for consideration.


The Council considered the submitted report on the findings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board and further information regarding the Elected Mayor’s decision, along with the advice of the Monitoring Officer.  They also received a record of decision setting out the Elected Mayor’s response to the position of the Overview and Scrutiny Board.


Members firstly considered whether or not the Elected Mayor’s decision was contrary to the Policy Framework.


Councillor Lewis proposed and Councillor Darling (S) seconded a motion, which was agreed by the Council (by recorded vote) as set out below:


that the Elected Mayor’s decision is contrary to the Policy Framework (Corporate Plan) as it does not believe that it makes best effect of the Council’s reducing resources.


A recorded vote was taken on the motion.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Councillors Brooks, Bye, Carter, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Hill, King, Kingscote, Lewis (B), Lewis (C), Long, Morey, Morris, Pentney, Robson, Stubley, Skyes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard and Tyerman (22);  Against:  Elected Mayor Oliver and Councillors Ellery, Excell, Manning, Mills, Parrott, Stockman and Stocks (8);  Abstain:  Councillors Amil and Haddock (2); and Absent:  Councillors Barnby, Bent, O’Dwyer, Sanders and Winfield (5).


In accordance with Standing Order D10.8, the Monitoring Officer advised that as the Council had determined that the Elected Mayor's decision was contrary to the Policy Framework, the decision was deemed as a recommendation to the Council.  Elected Mayor Oliver proposed and Councillor Mills seconded a motion:


(iii)       that market testing commences now, through accredited agents, to see whether there is interest in securing the freehold or long leasehold disposal of Oldway Mansion and Estate. The marketing should engage with all interested parties, including charities, trusts, private individuals and commercial organisations, and for local community groups, such as the Friends of Oldway, the Community Asset Transfer Policy would be applicable;


During the debate Councillor Thomas (D) proposed and Councillor Robson seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


(iii)       that market testing commences now, through accredited agents, to see whether there is interest in securing the freehold or long leasehold disposal of Oldway Mansion and Estate not be pursued.  The marketing should engage with all interested parties, including charities, trusts, private individuals and commercial organisations, and for local community groups, such as the Friends of Oldway, the Community Asset Transfer Policy would be applicable;


The amended (substantive) motion was then considered by members, which was agreed by the Council as follows:


(iii)       that market testing through accredited agents, to see whether there is interest in securing the freehold or long leasehold disposal of Oldway Mansion and Estate not be pursued.

Supporting documents: