Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2017/2018

To consider the recommendations of the Mayor on the Revenue Budget proposals for 2017/2018:


o   Mayor’s Budget Proposals

o   Chief Finance Officer’s Report

o   Proposed Budget Digest (including the proposals for service change, income generation and savings) – circulated separately

o   Equality Impact Assessments – circulated separately

o   Proposed Fees and Charges – circulated separately


(see )


Further to the meeting of the Council held on 2 February 2017, Members considered the recommendations of the Mayor in relation to the Revenue Budget 2017/18 as set out in the submitted report and supporting documents.


In accordance with legislation, the Chairman advised that recorded votes would be taken on the motion and the objection.


Mayor Oliver proposed and Councillor Mills seconded a motion as set out below:


(i)         that the proposals identified for service change, income generation and efficiencies in 2017/2018 and 2018/2019, as set out in the proposed Revenue Budget Digest, be approved;


(ii)        that the net revenue expenditure of £109.642m resulting in a Council Tax requirement of £60.075m for 2017/2018, a 3.99% increase which includes a 2% increase in Council Tax specifically for adult social care be approved;


(iii)       that, in relation to (ii) above, the Council’s commitment (by a statement signed by the Chief Financial Officer) to allocate the additional funding of £1.155m raised by the 2% increase in Council Tax to adult social care be confirmed;


(iv)       that the Dedicated Schools Grant be used in accordance with the Schools Financial Regulations and that the Chief Finance Officer be authorised to make amendments as required when the final figures are confirmed;


(v)        that, in accordance with the requirement of the Local Government Act 2003, the advice given by the Chief Finance Officer with respect to the robustness of the budget estimates and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves (as set out in the submitted report) be considered and noted;  and


(vi)       that is be noted that Brixham Town Council has yet to set its budget for 2017/2018 and this precept, when known, will be included as part of the Torbay Council budget for Council Tax setting purposes.


During the debate and in accordance with Standing Order A14.4, Councillor Thomas (D) proposed and Councillor Darling (S) seconded an objection to the motion as follows:


that the Council formally objects to the Mayor’s revenue budget proposals, as a number of members across all political groups on the Council object to some or all of the following issues:


i)          that the Council should heed the advice of our Chief Executive, Section 151 Officer, the full Senior Leadership Team and the Local Government Association by increasing the Council tax by an additional 1% for adult social care in 2017/18, which is in line with the Government's recommendations.  This is to ensure that Torbay Council is able to continue to support vulnerable adults in accordance with the Council's Corporate Plan;


ii)         in light of the funding crisis facing the NHS and adult social care, the Council is very concerned on the Section 151 Officer's qualified opinion in respect of the Adult Social Care expenditure.  Therefore, the Council objects to the apparent inadequate provision for the risk share agreement with the Integrated Care Organisation and the potential costs of withdrawal from the current risk share arrangement from December 2017;


iii)        that the reduction in the Youth Service funding is likely to result in uncertainty for grants given to community led youth service provision and this element of the future provision of youth services should be protected;


iv)        the continued cost to the Council of the Air Show at £100,000;


v)         the £61,000 to reduce grounds maintenance, the impact this will have and the achievability of sponsorship;


vi)        all senior officers share secretarial support and the Mayor should consider the level of his two full time support officers to release resources for priority areas elsewhere in the Council; and


vii)       members believe it is unsafe to increase the expected income from the Investment fund prior to securing the purchase agreed by Council in December 2016 and prior to agreeing a change in the strategy which would be beneficial in supporting the aims of increasing the scope of investment opportunities.


In accordance with the Constitution at F2.9, the Council therefore requires the Mayor to consider this objection by 17 February 2017 and either:


a)         submit a revision of the estimates or amounts as amended by the elected Mayor with the reasons for any amendments made to the estimates or amounts, to the Council for its consideration;  or


b)        inform the Council of any disagreement that the elected Mayor has with any of the Council’s objections and the elected Mayor’s reasons for any such disagreement.


A recorded vote was taken on the objection.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For:  Councillors Bent, Brooks, Bye, Carter, Cunningham, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Hill, Kingscote, Lewis, Morey, Pentney, Robson, Sanders, Stockman, Stocks, Sykes, Thomas (D), Tolchard, Tyerman and Winfield (23);  Abstain:  Mayor Oliver and Councillors Amil, Excell, Haddock, King, Manning, Mills, Parrott and Stubley (9);  and Absent:  Councillors Barnby, Morris, O’Dwyer, Stringer and Thomas (J) (5).  Therefore the objection was agreed by Council (shown in bold text above) and the Chairman advised that the Mayor would consider the objection and publish his response on 17 February 2017 for consideration at the Council meeting on 23 February 2017.


The Council then considered an amendment in relation to 2018/19 budget, which was considered under Standing Orders for Council Meetings and required Council decision at this meeting.


Councillor Lewis proposed and Councillor Morey seconded the amendment which was agreed (unanimously) by the Council as set out below:


that the Council does not consider or adopt indicative budget figures for 2018/19 at this stage as part of consideration of the Revenue Budget for 2017/18.  This will provide officers further opportunity to develop proposals and enable the Overview and Scrutiny Board to examine them in their entirety as part of the 2018/19 budget setting process.

Supporting documents: