Agenda item

Mayor's Response to Objection to Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

To consider the Mayor’s response to the Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 4 to the submitted report (Policy Framework).


Further to the Council meeting held on 8 December 2016, members considered the submitted report on the Mayor’s response to the objections raised by the Council on the adoption of the Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document.


Councillor King proposed and Councillor Mills seconded a motion as set out below:


(i)         that following consideration of representations made on the Draft Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the SPD be adopted, with minor modifications, as a Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report; and


(ii)        that the Executive Head of Business Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing, be given delegated powers to make minor amendments to the document to ensure legibility and clarity. 


During the debate Councillor Thomas (D) proposed and Councillor Robson seconded an amendment to the motion as follows:


(i)      that following consideration of representations made on the Draft Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the SPD be adopted, with minor modifications, as a Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report; and except that the threshold for provision of affordable housing in paragraph 3.4 of the SPD, and accompanying text elsewhere, be amended to 3 instead of 11 to ensure that the document adheres to the affordable housing thresholds set out in Policy H2 of the Adopted Torbay Local Plan, i.e. 3 dwellings for greenfield sites and that the Written Ministerial Statement of 28 November 2014 should be noted in the SPD as a material consideration.


A recorded vote was taken on the amendment.  The voting was taken by roll call as follows:  For: Councillors Barnby, Bent, Brooks, Bye, Carter, Cunningham, Darling (M), Darling (S), Doggett, Ellery, Hill, Kingscote, Lewis, Morey, Robson, Sanders, Stockman, Stocks, Stringer, Sykes, Thomas (D), Thomas (J), Tolchard and Tyerman (24);  Against:  Councillors Amil, Excell, Manning and Mills (4); Abstain:  Councillors Haddock, King, Parrott and Stubley (4); and Absent:  Mayor Oliver and Councillors Morris, O’Dwyer, Pentney and Winfield (5).  Therefore, as more than two-thirds of members present and voting had cast their vote in support of the amendment, it was carried.


The amended (substantive) motion was then considered by members and as more than two-thirds of members present and voting had cast their vote in support, it was agreed by the Council as follows:


(i)      that following consideration of representations made on the Draft Planning Contributions and Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), the SPD be adopted, with minor modifications, as a Supplementary Planning Document as set out in Appendix 3 to the submitted report, except that the threshold for provision of affordable housing in paragraph 3.4 of the SPD, and accompanying text elsewhere, be amended to 3 instead of 11 to ensure that the document adheres to the affordable housing thresholds set out in Policy H2 of the Adopted Torbay Local Plan, i.e. 3 dwellings for greenfield sites and that the Written Ministerial Statement of 28 November 2014 should be noted in the SPD as a material consideration;  and


(ii)        that the Executive Head of Business Services, in consultation with the Executive Lead for Planning, Transport and Housing, be given delegated powers to make minor amendments to the document to ensure legibility and clarity. 

Supporting documents: