Agenda item

Baytree House, Torquay

To consider the draft consultation document in relation to the future of Baytree House short breaks unit for people with learning disabilities in Torbay.


The Board was reminded that, at its meeting on 23 November 2015, it had considered the consultation document which had been prepared by Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust on the future of Baytree House short breaks unit for people with learning disabilities in Torbay.


Representatives of the Foundation Trust were now in a position to present the results from the consultation together with the report which would be considered the Board of the Foundation Trust later in the week.  In addition, Healthwatch Torbay submitted its report on the public feedback which it had received together with its recommendations.


Representatives of the Foundation Trust and the Council’s Director of Adult Social Services attended the meeting and set out the rationale for the proposal to close Baytree House short breaks unit in favour of, what it considered, more suitable alternative provision in the private sector. 


It was noted that the recommendation to the Trust Board was that, whilst Baytree House should close, there should be a transitional period to 30 June 2016 before the decision was implemented.  The transitional period would enable more suitable alternative provision to be properly secured.  It would also allow time for service users and their families to engage with the Trust as part of the support and planning process.


Resolved:  (i)  that the Overview and Scrutiny Board wish to have further assurance on the availability, suitability and cost of the alternative, private sector provision before the decision to close Baytree House is implemented;


(ii)        that the Foundation Trust be requested to attend the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board scheduled to be held on 18 May 2016 to set out the remaining concerns and risks with the proposed closure and any impact that those concerns and risks may have on the implementation date; and


(iii)       that representatives of the Overview and Scrutiny Board visit some of the alternative service providers to gain an understanding of services and facilities that they offer.

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